[Solved] What are the following notations pointing to?

int arr[4][3][2] means arr is 3D array, consists four 2D array, each 2D array having three 1D array and each 1D array having two-two elements. Let’s Have a pictorial representation of arr : Assume arr base address is 0x100. arr[0][0][0] arr[1][0][0] arr[2][0][0] arr[3][0][0] 0x100 0x104 0x108 0x112 0x116 0x120 0x124 0x128 0x132 0x136 0x140 0x144 … Read more

[Solved] Inserting data into mySQL table from mutlidimensional input form

What I’m assuming is.. SomePage.php <input type=”text” name=”quantity[]”> <input type=”text” name=”description[]”> <input type=”text” name=”article[]”> <input type=”text” name=”price[]”> <input type=”text” name=”tax[]”> <input type=”text” name=”discount[]”> Submit_Some_Page.php <? extract($_POST); $TotalArticle=sizeof($article); for($i=0;$i<$TotalArticle;$i++) { $Article=$article[$i]; $Quanity=$quantity[$i]; $Price=$price[$i]; $Tax=$tax[$i]; $Discount=$discount[$i]; $Description=$description[$i]; <– Now, Write Insert Query Here.. $Query=”INSERT INTO TableName SET Col1Name=$Article,Col2Name=$Quanity,Col3Name=$Price,Col4Name=$Tax,Col5Name=$Discount,Col6Name=$Description”; ….. Write Mysql Query To Execute It } ?> … Read more