[Solved] How do I convert this Access Query to mySQL query

The query works in MySQL when the statement is as generated by Access iteself. No change required. Here is the answer below: FROM qryvw_employees INNER JOIN (tbl_clients INNER JOIN tbl_assignments ON tbl_clients.`PAN` = tbl_assignments.`PAN` INNER JOIN tbl_tasks ON tbl_assignments.`Assignment_ID` = tbl_tasks.`Assignment_ID` INNER JOIN qryvw_subtasks ON tbl_tasks.`TaskID` = qryvw_subtasks.`TaskID`) ON qryvw_employees.`ID` = tbl_tasks.`Assigned_To` solved How do … Read more

[Solved] SQL not finding results

This is or was an issue with the With Adoquery2 do begin … end when using name in the sql, it was really getting adoquery2.name not the var name. I fixed this by changing name to Cname had no more issues after that. 1 solved SQL not finding results

[Solved] MS Access 2007 : the code vba not running

Option Access –> Centre de gestion de la confidentialité –> paramètres du Centre de gestion de la confidentialité –> paramètres des marcos –> (coché le dernier choix) activer toutes les macros … et OK voilà la réponse solved MS Access 2007 : the code vba not running

[Solved] SQL and Counting

Give this a try: select name, count(case when grade in (‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’) then 1 end) totalPass, count(case when grade=”A” then 1 end) totalA, count(case when grade=”B” then 1 end) totalB, count(case when grade=”C” then 1 end) totalC from t group by name Here is the fiddle. Or we can make it even simpler if … Read more

[Solved] How to Translate this statement in MS Access Query?

First of all get all the duplicate records by using group by and having clause select * from table where (Document_No,Distribution ) in ( select Document_No,Distribution from table group by Document_No,Distribution having count(*) >1 ) or select t1.Document_No,t1.Distribution from table t1 join (select Document_No,Distribution from table group by Document_No,Distribution having count(*) >1 ) as t2 … Read more

[Solved] How build Query String [closed]

SELECT * FROM YourTableName WHERE bday=’Sun’ AND (branch=”Jamnagar City” OR branch=”Reliance”) SELECT * FROM YourTableName WHERE bday=’Sun’ AND (branch=”Jamnagar City” OR branch=”Reliance” OR branch=”TATA”) I believe you can use the IN command, but I’m not positive if it works in Access. You can try it though. Syntax would be: SELECT * FROM YourTableName WHERE bday=’Sun’ … Read more