[Solved] Pass by value. Array
I found the solution.I initialized the array. tableF= Array(table!!.size, { Array(table!!.size, {0}) }) for(row in 0 until table!!.size) tableF!![row] = table!![row].clone() solved Pass by value. Array
I found the solution.I initialized the array. tableF= Array(table!!.size, { Array(table!!.size, {0}) }) for(row in 0 until table!!.size) tableF!![row] = table!![row].clone() solved Pass by value. Array
Change TowerOrUnitData{“nil”;”nil”;activityDataArrayList} to TowerOrUnitData(“nil”, “nil”, activityDataArrayList) You have incorrect object creating syntax. 10 solved Kotlin datatype mismatch error
Create Kotlin file, e.g. named Utils; Move function to that file, and add Context parameter: fun checkConnectivity(ctx: Context): Boolean { val cm = ctx.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE) as ConnectivityManager val activeNetwork =cm.activeNetworkInfo return activeNetwork != null && activeNetwork.isConnectedOrConnecting } If you intend to use it only in Activity you can create extension function without Context parameter: fun Activity.checkConnectivity(): … Read more
First You will need to create a layout for how a single row in your list will look(considering we are creating horizontal listing) navigate to res > layout folder in your project, in layout folder create a Layout Resource File (fancy name, but it’s just a XML file) for example:- layout_demo_item.xml <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?> <androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout … Read more
First off, using the update method is wrong. Deleting is not the same as updating. Updating in SQL means changing the value of one or more fields in a row. What you are looking for is the delete method dbHelper.delete(TABLE_NAME, whereClause=”Your actual where statement here”, args) The where statement follows a slightly different syntax than … Read more
Introduction RecyclerView is a powerful tool for displaying large amounts of data in a user-friendly way. It is a part of the Android Jetpack library and is used to display large datasets in a list or grid format. It is an efficient way to display data and can be used with Kotlin to create a … Read more
As Selvin commented: data is loaded from Firebase asynchronously. You can’t reliably wait for the data to become available. See Setting Singleton property value in Firebase Listener. The solution is to move the code that needs the data from Firebase into the onDataChange in checkDataNew: fun checkDataNew() { var rootRef=FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference(“BG Data”) // Read from the … Read more
if you’re routing from fragment to another activity, you can put you data into the intent using the putExtra and then receive in the activity using getExtra. Inside the fragment, Intent profileActivityIntent = new Intent(context,ProfileActivity.class); profileActivityIntent.putExtra(“dataKey”,data); startActivity(profileActivityIntent); And then inside the ProfileActivity’s onCreate method, //assuming that data is a string String dataFromFragment = getIntent().getStringExtra(“dataKey”); Log.i(“Data … Read more
I don’t really see the problem. In addition to creating a new certificate, you actually have to use it when you sign. If you use the old one it doesn’t matter. And it isn’t the keystore (a keystore can contain multiple certificates) that is the problem. you have to make sure you use the right … Read more
Short answer yes you can. If we used some of the files in Kotlin language and some in java? You can use both java and Kotlin in a single class file. Does it affect at the time of uploading in playstore? No Best way or tutorial to learn kotlin? https://kotlinlang.org/ Kotlin for android developers ebook … Read more
You can find the official documentation here To implement an AlertDialog you need to use the AlertDialog.Builder class too setup the AlertDialog. Then you can use the .create() method to create the AlertDialog, and then finally .show() of AlertDialog class to show the dialog. val alertDialog: AlertDialog? = activity?.let { val builder = AlertDialog.Builder(it) builder.apply … Read more
The easiest way is to, as @KrisRoofe suggested, read the json, then add an element. I would do this by converting the existing json in the file to a Map. Since you don’t actually care about the existing json, all you want to do is add a new entry to that Map. Once you do … Read more
use cartlist.size() for total count. and for using in activity define this in Adapter class: class ProductAdapter(private val.. { … fun getCartSize():Int { return cartlist.size() } … } and in the activity you can use : adapter.getCartsize() 2 solved How to get the total count in cart using Recyclerview Adapter
The numbers that you want to print are the first 6 members of the sequence: a(n) = n * (n + 1) /2 So you could print them with this loop: for (i: Int in 1..6) { println(i * (i + 1) / 2) } or: (1..6).forEach { println(it * (it + 1) / 2) … Read more
postDelayed() takes a Runnable as its first parameter. blank_fields_error.visibility = View.INVISIBLE is not a Runnable. It is an assignment statement. Since Runnable is an interface defined in Java, and it has a single method, you can pass a Kotlin lambda expression as the first parameter, and the Kotlin compiler will convert that into a Runnable … Read more