[Solved] Multiclassification task using keras [closed]

The keyword is “multilabel classification“. In the output layer you have multiple neurons, each neuron representing one of your classes. Now you should use a binary classification for each neuron independently. So if you have 3 classes, the output of your network could be [0.1, 0.8, 0.99] which means the following: The first class is … Read more

[Solved] How do you train a neural network without an exact answer? [closed]

TLDR; Reinforcement learning In general, training agents uses reinforcement learning. It is different than what you explained, because it seems as if you want to define a fitness heuristic to tell the agent whether it is doing OK or not, which might be biased. Reinforcement learning also has biases, but they are researchedand studied. A … Read more

[Solved] How to perform multiplication along axes in pytorch?

Your most versatile function for matrix multiplication is torch.einsum: it allows you specify the dimensions along which to multiply and the order of the dimensions of the output tensor. In your case it would look like: dot_product = torch.einsum(‘bij,bj->bi’) solved How to perform multiplication along axes in pytorch?