[Solved] How to make new array or arrays with contents from other arrays?

If you do not care about destroying arr2, neither about having a deep copy of arr1[0], a simple unshift() can do that: const arr1 = [[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8]]; const arr2 = [[‘some1’, ‘some2’], [‘some3’, ‘some4’]]; arr2.unshift(arr1[0]); console.log(JSON.stringify(arr2)); Of course those are really some conditions which may not fit your case. … Read more

[Solved] How do I find the length of an object? [duplicate]

You can find size of object (i.e total number of attributes in object)like this: namelist = { “name”:”xyz”, “version”:”1.0.0″ } var size = Object.keys(namelist).length; console.log(size); Output: 2 For getting size of value of name attribute ( e.g size of “xyz” in your case) console.log(namelist.name.length) Output: 3 For getting size of value of version attribute( e.g … Read more

[Solved] How to read a single object from a json file containing multiple objects using python? [closed]

Try adding adding an if parameter to check if its the desired item that your looking for, then just record all of its information. import json with open(‘elements.json’) as f: data = json.load(f) choice = input(“Choose element: “) for element in data[‘Elements’]: if element[‘name’] == choice: for x, y in element.items(): print(x.title() + “-> ” … Read more

[Solved] get file content from url, then extract keywords [closed]

See this link. Don’t expect people to do your homework, study that code a little bit and you will find answer in less then 10 minutes. Basically when you decode json you will get object or array depending on what you want. So if you do this $data=json_decode($str);//$str is your json string foreach($data->items as $item){ … Read more

[Solved] Basic Gson Help [closed]

Here’s an example that matches the structure in the question. input.json contents: { “next”:”uri-to-next-page”, “previous”:”uri-to-previous-page”, “total”:12, “buy_on_site”:true, “resource_uri”:”uri-to-resource-1″, “resource”: { “publisher”: { “name”:”publisher name 1″, “resource_uri”:”uri-to-resource-2″ }, “book_images”: { “image_url”:”url-to-image”, “file_type”:”PNG”, “name”:”book-image-name” }, “author”: { “name”:”author-name”, “resource_uri”:”uri-to-resource-3″ } } } The code to deserialize it: import java.io.FileReader; import com.google.gson.FieldNamingPolicy; import com.google.gson.Gson; import com.google.gson.GsonBuilder; public class … Read more

[Solved] How to display data in select box using angularJS? [closed]

Assuming you want to bind one of your zipcode objects to a property, eg {zipcode: ‘641515’} and your actual data looks like this [{‘zipcode’:’6451105′},{‘zipcode’:’641515′},{‘zipcode’:’564555′}] this should suffice <select name=”zipCode” ng-model=”zipCode” ng-options=”zipCode.zipcode for zipCode in zipCodes”></select> http://plnkr.co/edit/rY0cFVqyZHVoB4DyZj1Z?p=preview 3 solved How to display data in select box using angularJS? [closed]

[Solved] What is the correct syntax for jq?

-f is for specifying a filename to read your “filter” from – the filter in this case being .sm_api_content It sounds as if you just want to run jq without -f, e.g. jq -r .sm_api_content JSON.txt 0 solved What is the correct syntax for jq?

[Solved] How to draw a histogram from existing bin values

Since you already have binned data, just use pyplot.errorbar or add yerr kwarg to bar plot from matplotlib import pyplot as plt plt.errorbar( [n/len(bins) for n, x in enumerate(bins)], [x[0][0] for x in bins], yerr = [x[0][1]**0.5 for x in bins], marker=”_”, fmt=”.”) plt.bar( [n/len(bins) for n, x in enumerate(bins)], [x[0][0] for x in bins], … Read more

[Solved] Bypassing cross origin policy using JQuery/javascript with no access to remote server

If you don’t wanna install PHP to do this, why did you tag with php? You need to use a Server Side Script like Proxy PHP file, that reads the content and executes it correctly. Proxy.php: <?php header(“Content-type: application/json”); die(file_get_contents($_GET[“url”])); ?> And call it like this: url: “proxy.php?url=http://gov.uk/blah/blah” solved Bypassing cross origin policy using JQuery/javascript … Read more

[Solved] Remove character from json string

string json = “{Table1: [{\”PropertyTaxReceiptAmt\”:\”2200170.00\”,\”WaterTaxReceiptAmt\”:\”79265.00\”}]}”; json = json.Replace(“\\”, string.Empty); json = json.Trim(‘”‘); json = json.Replace(“{Table1:”, string.Empty); json = json.Remove(json.Length -1,1); Console.Write(json); 1 solved Remove character from json string

[Solved] How to get this data in JSON in android

JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(“here is your json string “) ; int count = jsonArray.length() ; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { JSONObject jsonObject = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i) ; String type = jsonObject.optString(“type”) ; JSONArray datesArray = jsonObject.optJSONArray(“dates”) ; int datesCount = datesArray.length() ; for(int j = 0; j< datesCount; j++){ JSONObject dateItem … Read more

[Solved] How to get the JSON error response and toast it?

Just change this code: jObject = new JSONObject(result); if (jObject.has(“error”)) { String aJsonString = jObject.getString(“error”); Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), aJsonString, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } else { Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), “Login Successful”, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } } catch (JSONException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(),result+”” , Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } So by this code, if your response is not JSON it will throw exception … Read more