[Solved] How to save Json Array to Java script array

You need to do something like this: var object = {“class_section”:{“classess”:[“PG1″,”PG2″],”sections”:{“PG1”:[“A”,”B”],”PG2″:[“A”,”B”]}}}; var classess = object.class_section.classess; var sections = []; sectionsArray = object.class_section.sections; for(var index in sectionsArray) { sections[index] = sectionsArray[index]; } At the end the classess and sections variables should have the desired values. 0 solved How to save Json Array to Java script array

[Solved] PHP: can’t decode JSON from string [closed]

Introduction This article provides a solution to the problem of not being able to decode JSON from a string in PHP. It explains the cause of the issue and provides a step-by-step guide on how to resolve it. It also provides some useful tips on how to avoid the issue in the future. Solution The … Read more

[Solved] How to delete item in JSON file

[EDITED] The delete operator is only for deleting a property from an object. Your config variable contains an array of objects, so delete will not do what you want at all. You need to iterate through the config array and use something like splice to delete the array items that have the same name, date, … Read more

[Solved] How would I build this JSON using a PHP array

The only way I know is to json encode an array like this: <?php echo json_encode( [ “bundles” =>[ [ “type” => “TYPE1”, “items” => [ [ “bom” => [ [ “type” => “C”, “stockId” => “1”, “quantity” => 1, “metadata” => [ “key” => “value” ] ], [ “type” => “E”, “quantity” => 1, … Read more

[Solved] How to load an external JSON template file into ElasticSearch

yeah you can load external json templates into elasticsearch but before proceeding for the same you have to format your json template a bit. { “index” : { “_index” : “test”, “_type” : “type1”, “_id” : “1” } } { “field1” : “value1” } { “index” : { “_index” : “test”, “_type” : “type1”, “_id” … Read more

[Solved] How use $.ajax download JSON from HTML?

For $.ajax, there is another parameter called dataType. You can specify it to either json or html. For your script to work, you need a dataType of html. If you do not specify anything, by default it takes text. Also I’m not sure whether it is <script type=”application/json”></script> or <script type=”text/javascript”></script> By the way, I … Read more

[Solved] Combining nested objects [closed]

I propose a solution for a input as an array of objects and an output as an object var data = [{question: “FirtName”, answer: “Daniel”}, {question: “LastNane”, answer: “Daniel2”}, {question: “Age”, answer: 80} ]; var result = {}; data.forEach(x => { result[x.question] = x.answer; }); console.log(result); 1 solved Combining nested objects [closed]

[Solved] Displaying marker with latlong json data in Biostall-google-maps-V3 API Library issue

The problem is google.maps.LatLng is expecting two numbers and you are passing it a string from your database (assuming searchMapDataResult[‘latlong’] is returning a comma delimited string). So you will need to Split the latitude and longitude Convert them into numbers Generate the google.maps.LatLng Like this: var latLngArray = searchMapDataResult[‘latlong’].split(‘,’); var latitude = parseFloat(latLngArray[0]); var longitude … Read more

[Solved] Convert from Dict to JSON in Python

Python lists use commas, not colons: json_dict = {‘type’: str(“id”), ‘entries’: [[‘a’, “91”], # note the comma after ‘a’, not a colon [‘b’, “65”], [‘c’, “26”], [‘d’, “25”]]} With commas, this is now valid Python syntax, producing a data structure that can be serialised to JSON: >>> json_dict = {‘type’: str(“id”), … ‘entries’: [[‘a’, “91”], … Read more

[Solved] C# combine to list in json object

This is a textbook example of a nested loop. Loops can contain other loops, where the inner one repeats for each element of the outer one. This one might look something like: var result = new List<matrix>(); var count = 1; foreach (var r in tmpRows) foreach (var c in tmpCols) result.Add(new matrix { id … Read more

[Solved] how to replace the value by comparing two json and to update in the created table

First, you will have to write a function that will iterate the subjectDetails array and find the subject name based on a label. let subjectDetails = [{ “subjectLabels”: { “eng”: “english”, “sci”: “environment science”, “soc”: “History & Geo” } }] const getSubjectName = (label) => { let name = label; subjectDetails.forEach(details => { if(details.subjectLabels.hasOwnProperty(label)){ name … Read more

[Solved] Turn json object value become a key and value in javascript [closed]

You can use Object.fromEntries(): const obj = [ { “configSlug”: “receiptStoreName”, “configContent”: “The Store Name” }, { “configSlug”: “receiptStoreAddress”, “configContent”: “Cattle Street” }, { “configSlug”: “receiptStorePhone”, “configContent”: “01 123234” }, { “configSlug”: “receiptStoreFoot1”, “configContent”: “Thanks For Visiting” } ]; const result = Object.fromEntries(obj.map(entry => [entry.configSlug, entry.configContent])); console.log(result); Or you can use a simple loop: const … Read more