[Solved] Can’t Find variable ‘$’ but I’ve included jQuery

Move your code after the jQuery initialization: <script src=”https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.0/jquery.min.js”></script> <script src=”./js/bootstrap.min.js”></script> <script src=”./js/docs.min.js”></script> <script> $(“#test”).click(function() { alert(“Handler for .click() called.”); }); </script> solved Can’t Find variable ‘$’ but I’ve included jQuery

[Solved] Accessing a tags value in JQuery [closed]

First of all your html structure is invalid, the starting and ending of tags are not proper: <a> tag and <figure> tag are not closing properly, so have a look into it and correct html first I am posting answer by changing some html: $(‘.addBasket’).click(function(){ // here we have used .siblings as we need to … Read more

[Solved] How to check first 200 chekboxes , then next 200 and so on?

This is the working eg of first 3 and next 3 check boxes, but as suggestion please don’t have these many check boxes, the user experience is very bad in this case. $(document).ready(function() { var $cbs = $(‘input:checkbox’), $links = $(“a”); $links.click(function() { var start = $links.index(this) * 3, end = start + 3; $cbs.slice(start,end).prop(“checked”,true); … Read more

[Solved] Find div by text and delete text [closed]

Use :contains to select the div and then filter the contents and remove the node. $(“div:contains(‘DeleteText’)”).contents().filter(function () { return (this.nodeType == 3 && $.trim(this.nodeValue) == ‘DeleteText’); }).remove(); DEMO: http://jsfiddle.net/YkEy5/ 1 solved Find div by text and delete text [closed]

[Solved] Make a webpage display more items on mouse hover at the bootom?

well somethng like this really helped. function yHandler () { var wrap = document. getElementById(‘wrap’); var contentHeight = wrap.offsetHeight; var yOffset = window.pageYOffset; var y = yOffset + window.innerHeight; if (y >= contentHeight) { wrap.innerHTML += ‘<div class=”newData”></div>’; } } window.onscroll = yHandler; solved Make a webpage display more items on mouse hover at the … Read more

[Solved] How do I add class using jquery/javascript to different elements depending on what day is it?

You don’t need jQuery to check what date it is. You can use plain Javascript for that. var today = new Date(); if(today.getDate() === 17) { $(‘.on-17’).addClass(‘active’); } A more dynamic implementation that always adds class active to the current day’s div: var today = new Date(); var dayOfMonth = today.getDate(); $(‘on-‘ + dayOfMonth).addClass(‘active’); If … Read more

[Solved] If an array has an attribute, find the value of another attribute of the same array? [closed]

I think you need something like bellow. You have a JSON like bellow. var data = {“dTableRowData”: [ { “id”: “1”, “rowData”: [ “tt”, “Sep13, 2010” ], “action”: [ { “hrefvar”: “aaa”, “label”: “fff” }, { “hrefvar”: “bbb”, “label”: “Details” }, { “hrefvar”: “ccc”, “label”: “View” } ] } ]} You want to get an … Read more

[Solved] how to add this jquery to mysite [closed]

this should work … $(document).ready(function() { $(“#web”).click(function () { $(“#contweb”).stop().slideToggle(); return false; }); $(“#web”).hover(function () { $(this).stop().css({ “cursor”: “pointer” }) }); $(“#screen”).click(function () { $(“#contscreen”).stop().slideToggle(); return false; }); $(“#screen”).hover(function () { $(this).stop().css({ “cursor”: “pointer” }) }); $(“#keyboard”).click(function () { $(“#contkey”).stop().slideToggle(); return false; }); $(“#keyboard”).hover(function () { $(this).stop().css({ “cursor”: “pointer” }) }); }); 3 solved how … Read more

[Solved] Hundreds of buttons in one page with same name and same ids, how to differentiate?

You can do it like Braziliam way, we call it as “Gambiarra” $(‘input [type=submit]’).click(function(){ var productname = $(this).parent().find(‘.post-meta-ab a’).html(); }); PS. If you cant set a UNIQUE ID for your DOM elements, don’t use any at all. Basically for each product on you list you have this structure: <li class=”ms-tt grid_3″ data-id=”id-1″ data-type=”digital”> <div class=”m-thumb … Read more

[Solved] When i click on an element add another ID or class

Try .on() As your content is added dynamically so it is not accessible directly ,So you have to use Event delegation. $(“.minwidth_IE”).on(“click”,”#custom_background span”,function () { $(“#account ,.minwidth_IE ,.main .main-head ,#fa_toolbar”).removeClass(“bg1 bg2 bg3 bg4 bg5 bg7 bg8 bg_custom”).addClass(this.id); my_setcookie(“custom_background”, this.id, true) }); 3 solved When i click on an element add another ID or class

[Solved] How do I hide the tooltip ‘title’ when using a lightbox plugin

If you want to stick with this plugin, your have to change its code a little. Modifying jquery.lightbox-0.5.js, change // in line 77: objClicked.getAttribute(‘title’) // replace by: objClicked.getAttribute(‘data-lightboxtitle’) and // in line 81: jQueryMatchedObj[i].getAttribute(‘title’) // replace by: jQueryMatchedObj[i].getAttribute(‘data-lightboxtitle’) Then in your HTML, just replace the title attributes in your a with the data-lightboxtitle, like so … Read more