[Solved] Target a link if that link links to the current page?

Try the following: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script src=”http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js”></script> </head> <body> <ul id=”sidebar”> <li><a href=”https://stackoverflow.com/one”>One</a></li> <li><a href=”http://stackoverflow.com/two”>Two</a></li> <li><a href=”http://stackoverflow.com/three”>Three</a></li> </ul> <script> var pathname = window.location.pathname; //$(“a:contains(‘One’)”).css(“color”, “red”); // This will make One red (notice capital O) $(“a:contains(pathname)”).css(“color”, “red”); </script> ​ solved Target a link if that link links to the current page?

[Solved] PHP & JAVASCRIPT – How to take values from multiple input fields after clicking on the buttons which are connected to each input field? [closed]

You could do something through jQuery: $(‘.edit_profile’).on(‘click’, function(){ // if still disabled, return; if ($(this).prev().is(‘:disabled’)) return; // otherwise we go for value: var value = $(this).prev().val(); console.log(value); }); And please take a look for function: prev() https://api.jquery.com/prev/ For passing your fields to php use ajax: $.ajax({ type: “POST”, url: “myphpscriptforupdate.php”, dataType: ‘html’, data: { p_year: … Read more

[Solved] How to create a button to every list item which opens a menu over it?

I’ve changed your structure little bit and made the ‘dots’ image as a button of the menu with jquery HTML: <img src=”https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27638476/3dots.png” class=”dots”/> <div class=”dots_menu”> <a href=”#”>link 1</a> <a href=”#”>link 2</a> </div> CSS: .app { position: relative; } .dots { float: right; } .dots_menu { display: none; width: 202px; position: absolute; top: 35px; right: 0; … Read more

[Solved] Select menu options not getting selected when we navigate to other pages

Here’s how your jQuery code could look like: This will get the path name of the current URL and select that value in the drop down. $(document).ready(function(){ var url = window.location.pathname; //e.g: “http://www.test.com/index2.html”; var pagename = url.split(“https://stackoverflow.com/”).pop(); $(“select”).val(pagename); $(“select”).change(function() { window.location = $(this).find(“option:selected”).val(); }); }); This solution also assumes that you’re not using query strings. … Read more

[Solved] Ajax Jquery doubts [closed]

jQuery code will not work without the library being referenced on your page (usually in the <head> tags). Also, there are some other libraries that build on top of the jQuery library, like Twitter’s excellent bootstrap library, or jQueryUI. In those cases, you need both the jQuery library and the additional library — as shown … Read more

[Solved] Fetch a string between a static pattern in HTML [closed]

You could use DOMParser to convert the string to a document, after which you could querySelectorAll over it to find the elements with translate attributes: const str = `<p translate=”index_word1″ > </p> <strong translate=”index_word2″></strong>`; new DOMParser() .parseFromString(str, ‘text/html’) .querySelectorAll(‘[translate]’) .forEach(element => console.log(element.getAttribute(‘translate’))); 1 solved Fetch a string between a static pattern in HTML [closed]

[Solved] Moving object at the same time [closed]

There are many ways to animate the div, I will leave that exercise to you. In this case all you have to do is wire up the event properly and there are many ways to do so. Please look at following fiddle. This may not fit to your need entirely but it may give you … Read more

[Solved] Hide and show divs with text

This are the most used techniques: target element using .index() and .eq() <div id=”clickables”> <div>CLICK 1</div> <div>CLICK 2</div> </div> <div id=”togglables”> <div>text 1</div> <div>text 2</div> </div> $(function(){ $(“#clickables div”).click(function(){ var idx = $(this).index(); $(‘#togglables div’).eq( idx ).slideToggle(); }); }); Pros: you can keep a really clean HTML markup, no need to assign additional classes or … Read more

[Solved] Intellisense while editing JS files

Assuming you’re talking about Visual Studio, try adding the following line to the top of your .js file. /// <reference path=”~/path/to/your/jquery.js”/> Also, if you’re using anything other than the version of jQuery that was packaged with Visual Studio, you’ll need a jquery-x.x.x-vsdoc.js file that matches your jquery filename, and put that vsdoc in the same … Read more