[Solved] Is there a Vanilla JS alternative for the jQuery UI Dialog widget [closed]

Only to a certain extend. You might use alert, prompt or confirm dialogs (implemented as functions on the window object), but they can’t be styled and look different between various browsers. Creating a special modal/dialog with vanilla JS is of course possible. How hard it is depends on the features you want/need it to have. … Read more

[Solved] how can i convert this jquery to javascript

In Jquery contains gives you a string of text to look for. So here you need to get all the h2 tag and search in their text. As h2 elements don’t have a value, you should use innerHTML and then instead of contains, you should use includes method. var allHTwos= document.getElementsByTagName(‘h2’); for (i=0; i<allHTwos.length; i++) … Read more

[Solved] Adding Overall Smooth Scroll to a Website (Not for anchor links in the same page) [closed]

This is probably the way to go. https://github.com/simov/simplr-smoothscroll But you should be warned. People DON’T like when you scroll jack their browsing experience. You should read more about it but there is a vocal majority that disliked using this technique. You can read more about it on numerous blog posts. ex. http://www.sitepoint.com/scrolljacking-accessibility/ , http://blog.arronhunt.com/post/66973746030/stop-scrolljacking . … Read more

[Solved] If I call function inside document ready it will not work, but if I call it on an event it works just fine [closed]

Your problem is that dijit.form.TextBox has not been loaded when the rest of the DOM has loaded. You’ll need to change your my_func code to include a call to require: function my_func() { require([‘dijit/form/TextBox’], function(TextBox) { // … var newBox = new TextBox(); // … }); } You’ll need to do this for every Dojo … Read more

[Solved] Image thumbnail in product images [closed]

This is how I would do it: A little AngularJs var demo = angular.module(‘demo’, []); demo.controller(‘demoCtrl’, function($scope) { $scope.imgs = {}; $scope.imgs.a = { ‘small’: ‘http://placehold.it/150×150/000000’, ‘large’: ‘http://placehold.it/500×500/000000’ }; $scope.imgs.b = { ‘small’: ‘http://placehold.it/150×150/cccccc’, ‘large’: ‘http://placehold.it/500×500/cccccc’ }; $scope.imgs.c = { ‘small’: ‘http://placehold.it/150×150/ffffff’, ‘large’: ‘http://placehold.it/500×500/ffffff’ }; $scope.viewShowing = $scope.imgs.a.large; $scope.applyNewLargeView = function(largeViewUriString){ $scope.viewShowing = largeViewUriString; } … Read more

[Solved] JQuery $.post in a function. Wait for callback to define the return. [duplicate]

This is impossible. $.Ajax calls will always return immediately. You need to deal with the return when it is called through a callback (possibly several seconds later). Javascript never blocks for a given call. It may help to think of your code like this: //This entirely unrelated function will get called when the Ajax request … Read more

[Solved] Jquery Ajax responce not working in safari..but other browser it is work fine..what is mistake here? [closed]

$.ajax({ url:’ajax.php?action=wordFind&word=’+arrString, cache: true, async:false, dataType:html,//If the response is json replace it with “json” type: “GET”, success:function(res){ console.log(res);//To check you are getting any reponse if(res==”find”) { //Do the stuff you want. } } }); 2 solved Jquery Ajax responce not working in safari..but other browser it is work fine..what is mistake here? [closed]

[Solved] How to replicate a typing effect using jQuery/JavaScript?

Here is the JSFiddle with the extracted library from the website : http://jsfiddle.net/8g6dsp0p/1/ You can initialize the script with this following code : <span class=”writer” data-writer-command=”[‘PayPal?’, ‘Apple Pay?’, ‘Venmo?’, ‘Bitcoin?’]”></span> <script> $(document).ready(function() { new Writer }); </script> 2 solved How to replicate a typing effect using jQuery/JavaScript?

[Solved] Write a test that clicks on a date

I’d suggest using some selector like this “(//td[contains(@class,’day’) and not(contains(@class,’disabled’))])[1]” This selector is using XPath – it matches any td element, which has ‘day’ string in its class atribute but doesn’t contain any ‘disabled’ string. The number in the end [1] is order of element selected, when multiple elements match the selector. Starting at 1 … Read more

[Solved] when reaching bottom the button should hide [duplicate]

Demo jQuery var $window = $(window), $document = $(document), button = $(‘.button’); button.css({ opacity: 1 }); $window.on(‘scroll’, function () { if (($window.scrollTop() + $window.height()) == $document.height()) { button.stop(true).animate({ opacity: 0 }, 250); } else { button.stop(true).animate({ opacity: 1 }, 250); } }); solved when reaching bottom the button should hide [duplicate]

[Solved] Change div visibility when radio button becomes selected [closed]

You need ClientID in javascript not the server id as asp.net will generate the new CliendID for server controls and the selector you have wont find element by that id. $(“#<%= RdbToday.ClientID %>”).change(function () { $(“#dateSelectorSpan”).hide(); }); $(“#<%= RdbDateRange.ClientID %>”).change(function () { $(“#dateSelectorSpan”).show(); }); Edit The code you have is working. Live Demo $(“#RdbToday”).change(function () … Read more