[Solved] how do I configure email on a contact form?

Seding an email directly with javascript (as it´s your tag) is not possible, but you can open the user mail client: window.open(‘mailto:[email protected]’); It´s possible to have a predetermined subject and body using these variables: window.open(‘mailto:[email protected]?subject=example_subject&body=example_body’); 3 solved how do I configure email on a contact form?

[Solved] How to refactor frontend JS to Angular 2 to play nicely with PHP MVC backend? [closed]

Even tho you’re getting downvotes, let me help you to start a BIG journey if you’re willing to really do that. First, if your views are generated on the backend : “The most part of the HTML is rendered in the PHP backend.” According to that sentence, I imagine that you don’t have a REST … Read more

[Solved] Create a link while typing using Jquery [closed]

Although I do not want to make it your habit to take SO as a code for me site but this time here it is for you: var field = document.getElementById(“field”); var link = document.getElementById(“link”); field.onchange = function() { link.href = “http://www.example.com/?q=” + encodeURIComponent(field.value); console.log(link.href); }; Notice I did not code it for you in … Read more

[Solved] What is the javascript equivalent of the following? [closed]

Something like this is similar: document.body.addEventListener( ‘load’, function(){ var elements = document.querySelectorAll(“ul.dropdown li”); for(var i = 0, l = elements.length; i < l; i++){ var e = elements[i]; e.addEventListener(‘mouseover’, function(e){ e.setAttribute(‘class’, e.getAttribute(‘class’) + ‘ hover’); document.querySelector(“ul.dropdown li”).style.visibility = ‘visible’; e.style.visibility = ‘visible’; }) e.addEventListener(‘mouseout’, function(e){ e.setAttribute(‘class’, e.getAttribute(‘class’).replace(‘ hover’,”)); document.querySelector(“ul.dropdown li”).style.visibility = ‘hidden’; e.style.visibility = ‘hidden’; … Read more

[Solved] $(‘.selector’).closest(‘div’) for non click element

I assume you mean something like this? <script type=”text/javascript”> $(document).ready(function() { $(“#MyLink”).click(function() { alert($(this).closest(‘div’).html()); }); }); </script> This requires you to add id to the link. If you mean show the alert without clicking anything you’ll have to explain how exactly you want it to show, meaning in response to what event? Edit: in case … Read more

[Solved] How to hide / show a button in jQuery

Jquery has two functions show and hide: $(‘#a’).click(function(){ $(‘#a’).hide(); }); $(‘#b’).click(function(){ $(‘#a’).show(); }); $(‘#c’).click(function(){ $(‘#a’).show(); }); 1 solved How to hide / show a button in jQuery

[Solved] Javascript functions and IE error addEventListener JQuery

IE browsers up to IE8 do not support addEventListener (I’m assuming you meant the latest version you have when you said Internet Explorer Last version). attachEvent is the IE equivalent (well, not exactly equivalent). If your target browser is only IE8, you can just replace the addEventListeners with attachEvent calls, but a better option (seeing … Read more

[Solved] Twitter Bootstrap Carousel and carusel broblem [closed]

You didn’t set the data-target attribute correctly. the data-target of .carousel-indicators are set to #myCarousel, but the Carousel div’s id is jumbotron. <ol class=”carousel-indicators”> <li data-target=”#jumbotron” data-slide-to=”0″ class=””></li> <li data-target=”#jumbotron” data-slide-to=”1″ class=””></li> <li data-target=”#jumbotron” data-slide-to=”2″ class=””></li> <li data-target=”#jumbotron” data-slide-to=”3″ class=””></li> </ol> the same problem exists in the carousel navigation. you should set the href attr … Read more

[Solved] delete functionality using JQuery [closed]

ALWAYS GOOGLE A BIT BEFORE POSTING A QUESTION 🙂 Refer to this page : http://www.jeasyui.com/tutorial/datagrid/datagrid12.php Add function similar to this: function deleterow(target){ $.messager.confirm(‘Confirm’,’Are you sure?’,function(r){ if (r){ $(‘#tt’).datagrid(‘deleteRow’, getRowIndex(target)); } }); } They have given a very good documentation on the same 2 solved delete functionality using JQuery [closed]

[Solved] Set html checkbox and input tag from javascript using a variabe [closed]

You can do something like this: var data = { “user_id”: “4BtIrO4vgJUZG3wUxDjihnKbYvw2”, “travel_mode”: “plane”, “travel_with”: [“family”, “couple”], “travel_preferences”: “national”, “budget”: “321” } $(“input[type=radio][value=” + data[“travel_mode”] + “]”).prop(“checked”,true) demo var data = { “user_id”: “4BtIrO4vgJUZG3wUxDjihnKbYvw2”, “travel_mode”: “plane”, “travel_with”: [“family”, “couple”], “travel_preferences”: “national”, “budget”: “321” } $(“input[type=radio][value=” + data[“travel_mode”] + “]”).prop(“checked”,true) <script src=”https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js”></script> <input class=”traveltype” onclick=” ” … Read more