[Solved] How to Delete Specific Multi Records in Codeigniter [closed]

4,6,8,11,12 records Deleted public function delete_data($id){ $this->db->where_in(‘campus_id’, $id); $this->db->delete(‘sections’); } 3,5,6,7 records not Deleted public function delete_data($id){ $this->db->where_not_in(‘campus_id’, $id); $this->db->delete(‘sections’); } Wow I Got It.. solved How to Delete Specific Multi Records in Codeigniter [closed]

[Solved] delete functionality using JQuery [closed]

ALWAYS GOOGLE A BIT BEFORE POSTING A QUESTION 🙂 Refer to this page : http://www.jeasyui.com/tutorial/datagrid/datagrid12.php Add function similar to this: function deleterow(target){ $.messager.confirm(‘Confirm’,’Are you sure?’,function(r){ if (r){ $(‘#tt’).datagrid(‘deleteRow’, getRowIndex(target)); } }); } They have given a very good documentation on the same 2 solved delete functionality using JQuery [closed]

[Solved] is it possible retrieve 2 values from this code? [closed]

Yes. You can add another parameter to that URL: <a href=”https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3935955/deleteresnext.php?rid=<?php echo $row->rid; ?>&roomid=<?php echo $row->roomid; ?>” onclick=”return confirm(‘Are you sure you want to cancel reservation?’);” >Delete</a> 3 solved is it possible retrieve 2 values from this code? [closed]