[Solved] jquery validate a comma separated list of integers

You can evaluate the input (single digits) with this Regex: ^[0-9](,[0-9])*$ For long numbers, the regex is: ^[0-9]+(,[0-9]+)*$ It forces user to avoid blanks or tabs. To allow 0248 but not 00558, the new regex is: ^(([0]?[1-9][0-9]*)|[0])(,(([0]?[1-9][0-9]*)|[0]))*$ you can test it on regex101 here 4 solved jquery validate a comma separated list of integers

[Solved] Add new class and attributes to div if it exists on the page [duplicate]

Try $().length property instead, and place this snippet at the very bottom of the page, before closing body tag <script src=”http://ajax.microsoft.com/ajax/jquery/jquery-1.4.2.js” type=”text/javascript”></script> <script type=”text/javascript”> jQuery(document).ready(function($) { if ($(‘.toplink’).length > 0) { $(‘.toplink’).addClass(‘adin’).attr(‘data-aid’, ‘114’); } }); </script> 2 solved Add new class and attributes to div if it exists on the page [duplicate]

[Solved] How to upload file using ajax/jQuery with Symfony2

Firstly, I notice that your click event for #upload_image fires a click trigger on #bundle_user_file, but below that you are asking it to look for a change event. Therefore, this would do nothing. You can re-generate a CSRF token if you want by calling the csrf token_manager service by doing this: /** @var \Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManagerInterface $csrf … Read more

[Solved] Countdown in days

Not a lot of code needed, just a small helper function to calculate days difference and then a replace content with whatever you want. Full sample: <html> <div id=”counter” /> <script type=”text/javascript”> function daysDifference($startDate, $endDate) { oneDay = 24*60*60*1000; return Math.ceil(($endDate.getTime() – $startDate.getTime()) / oneDay); } // 2015/01/01 $startDate = new Date(2015, 0, 1); // … Read more

[Solved] Selection radio button

<script> function myFunction() { var x = document.getElementsByName(‘os’); var rate_value; for(var i = 0; i < x.length; i++){ if(x[i].checked){ rate_value = x[i].value; break; } } document.getElementById(“demo”).innerHTML = rate_value; } </script> 2 solved Selection radio button

[Solved] How can I update the marker cluster from the map based on the list of locations?

In the API documentation for the Marker Clusterer add-on, the methods list contains boolean removeMarker(marker:google.maps.Marker)Removes a marker from the cluster. In order to use that method within the click handler (i.e. clickHandlerDelegate()), the declaration (i.e. with keyword var) will need to be moved out of the initialize function: var map; //set scope here so various … Read more

[Solved] jQuery read window width

var w = window.innerWidth; var h = window.innerHeight; No need for jquery. UPDATED for eventlistener: if(window.attachEvent) { window.attachEvent(‘onresize’, function() { alert(‘attachEvent – resize’); }); } else if(window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener(‘resize’, function() { console.log(‘addEventListener – resize’); }, true); } else { //The browser does not support Javascript event binding } 0 solved jQuery read window width

[Solved] Can javascript click a div?

using jquery . use $(window).load(); function which attach all event after body load all content in web page . see below code : here you can read document of load(); working example on fiddle <div id=”yourDivId”></div> $(window).load(function () { $(document).on(‘click’,”#yourDivId”,function () { // Some code here }); }); 0 solved Can javascript click a div?

[Solved] jQuery Adding new option to select element doesn’t pick up the string [closed]

Change: var str = $(‘#country-select’).val() + ” ” + $(“#” + $(“#country-select option:selected”).val() + “-select option:selected”).val(); to: var str = $(‘#country-select, .sub-menu’).val() + ” ” + $(“#” + $(“#country-select option:selected”).val() + “-select option:selected”).val(); jFiddle example You need to trigger the change on both the first and second selects, so $(‘#country-select, .sub-menu’) is needed. solved jQuery … Read more

[Solved] if/else statement

I can’t try this because it’s a bit orphaned, but try the following (or at least the following idea). I was confused because your link didn’t actually include the code you posted. Try posting a jsfiddle with the code if you’re still having problems. Your ($(‘.active’).length>0) statement doesn’t need the >0 part – all no-zero … Read more

[Solved] dynamic asynchronous iframe creation [closed]

Try this <script type=”text/javascript” language=”javascript”> var node = document.createElement(“IFRAME”); node.async = “true”; node.src =”http://www.google.com”; node.width=”300px”; node.height=”400px”; node.frameBorder = “0”; node.scrolling = “NO”; document.body.appendChild(node); </script> hope it helps !!! 0 solved dynamic asynchronous iframe creation [closed]

[Solved] Text slide show in jquery [closed]

There’s probably already a jQuery plugin that does exactly what you want, but here’s something simple I came up with off the top of my head as a concept that you can implement with just a few lines. Put the things you want to slide as div elements inside a container div. Set the height … Read more