[Solved] Highcharts has incorrect chart [closed]

I assume that you expect, that tooltip should be displayed in on each point. All series except scatter have to be sorted and only one point for a one x-value. So you can use scatter series with defined lineWidth. series: [{ type:’scatter’, lineWidth:2, data: Data }] http://jsfiddle.net/LtkX2/1/ 3 solved Highcharts has incorrect chart [closed]

[Solved] jQuery validate function Does not work [closed]

You need to add the validation to the form element and set the required rule to the checkbox <form id=”myform”> <input type=”checkbox” value=”agree” name=”agree” id=”agree” /> <input type=”submit”> </form> then jQuery(function ($) { $(“#myform”).validate({ rules: { agree: { required: true } }, messages: { agree: “Please agree the terms and conditions” } }); }); Demo: … Read more

[Solved] How to use Element Selector with Class Selector in Jquery [closed]

There is no need to iterate, jQuery will do this for you very conveniently. It’s not very clear from the question what exactly you want to do, but you can: Switch .plus to .minus with $(“.plus”).toggleClass(“plus minus”) Toggle .plus and .minus on all elements that have either with $(“.plus, .minus”).toggleClass(“plus minus”) 1 solved How to … Read more

[Solved] how to send data from js to php? [closed]

Try this once!! function loadpage(){ //only for one textarea var text = document.getElementByTagName(“textarea”).value; $.ajax({ type: ‘POST’, url: ‘lib/ajax.php’, data: {‘data1’: text}, success: function(res){ $(“#inneroutput”).html(res); } }); solved how to send data from js to php? [closed]

[Solved] change protocol of urls on webpage via javascript [closed]

As you know, the correct fix here is to fix those links server-side, ideally by removing the scheme entirely, to create scheme-relative URLs like this: <script src=”https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.1.1/jquery.min.js”></script> But you’ve said you can’t do that. So: You can readily find all a elements via document.querySelectorAll. You can easily loop through the result. …and get their href … Read more

[Solved] missing ) after argument list else { – i can’t see it? [closed]

You have to move one ‘});’ of the bottom before the else: //run the function for all boxes $(“.box”).each(function () { var thisBox = $(this); var url = thisBox.href; var infoBox = $(“.info”, thisBox); thisBox.data(‘height’, $(this).height()); thisBox.click(function () { if (!thisBox.hasClass(“opened”)) { thisBox.addClass(“opened”); $(“img”, box).fadeOut(“slow”, function () { infoBox.css({ “visibility”: “visible”, “height”: “auto” }); infoBox.load(url, … Read more

[Solved] Change structure of html with jQuery when responsive

So, what you want is to reorder the elements when the window is resized, right? You can try the following code… $(function() { var screenBig = $(window).width() >= 640; $(window).resize(function() { if($(window).width() < 640 && screenBig) { resizeSmall(); screenBig = false; } else if($(window).width() >= 640 && !screenBig) { resizeBig(); screenBig = true; } }); … Read more

[Solved] Convert Base64 String to String Array

The jsondata value is JSON text. It starts with [, which means it’s a JSON array. To process it, you should use a JSON parser. See How to parse JSON in Java. Once you have parsed it, you should have a String[] or a List<String>, with 2 values. Both values start with data:image/jpeg;base64, followed by … Read more

[Solved] How to return values from a object matched by a array?

You can access them like this, using the rest operator for arguments var mainobject = { val1: ‘text1’, val2: ‘text2’, val3: ‘text3’, val4: ‘text4’, val5: ‘text5’ }; function a(…args) { var obj={}; args.forEach((e) => { obj[e]=mainobject[e]; }) return obj; } console.log(a(‘val1’, ‘val4’)); 3 solved How to return values from a object matched by a array?