[Solved] How do I rewrite this javascript in jQuery? [closed]

Based on you rcomment, you want to use the reference of what is clicked. So call the function $(‘.className’).click(randomString); It will set this to the object, so inside of randomString you can use $(this).text(randomStr); function randomString() { var chars = “0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXTZabcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz!@#$%^&*()_+”; var string_length = 8; var randomStr=””; for (var i=0; i<string_length; i++) { var rnum … Read more

[Solved] .on method in jquery [closed]

$(function(){ $(document).on(‘click’,’.mydiv’, function(){ //my code}); }); When delegating events you listen for any click on an element that exists on the time of binding, as event handlers can only be attached to elements that actually exists in the DOM on the time of binding, this would be the first element in the statement above, and … Read more

[Solved] Convert HTML code into jquery or javascript? [closed]

Add this code in html where you want to edit button to show <a id=”edit” href=”#” onclick=”editCSV(${command.id})” rel=”tooltip-top”> <img src = “images/icons/edit.png” width = “25” height = “25” /> </a> js if (test == true) { $(‘#edit’).show(); } else { $(‘#edit’).hide(); } pass true <script type=”text/javascript”> var test =pagetype(‘<%=${testCSV}%>’); if (test == true) { $(‘#edit’).show(); … Read more

[Solved] Calculations on webpage using javascript

As per what i have understood by your last comment. You should have different ids for third and fourth box i.e. #val3 , #val4 respectively. So it would be somewhat like this. See this updated FIDDLE of yours. Entering the value 4,5,10,5 respectively in the 4 boxes, your subtotal would be 70 as expected. Just … Read more

[Solved] Populate heading each row in JavaScript

Basically, what you’re trying to do is group your data by group property, and then form some HTML out of it. Grouping is easy, then just use whatever language you’re comfortable with to build the html: const list = [{ ‘name’: ‘Display’, ‘group’: ‘Technical details’, ‘id’: ’60’, ‘value’: ‘Something’ }, { ‘name’: ‘Manufacturer’, ‘group’: ‘Manufacturer’, … Read more

[Solved] rocking effect in jquery? [closed]

Is this what you are looking for? http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Effects/Shake You need of course to include jQuery UI, or at least parts of it. EDIT: After your elaboration, I think you are looking to animate the rotation, which can be done with CSS3. http://www.the-art-of-web.com/css/css-animation/ You can animate the position as well, if that helps you. 1 solved … Read more

[Solved] how solve this appears illegal character when i click two times?

Rather than using eval to create dynamic variable names, simply use dynamic property names: var data = {}; $(‘a.play-video’).click(function(){ var currentLocation = window.location; var fullurl = window.location.href; var key = fullurl.split(“sendx”)[1]; var sinvnword = $(‘.question-label.active’).last().text(); console.log(sinvnword); data[key] = sinvnword; console.log(AXY + “GETIT”); console.log(AXY+”mor”); console.log(AXY + “muerte”); }); solved how solve this appears illegal character when … Read more