[Solved] How to display specific JSON data using Javascript alert? [closed]

You can try the following way: var myJSON = { “status”: “Succeeded”, “recognitionResult”: { “lines”: [ { “boundingBox”: [ 2, 52, 65, 46, 69, 89, 7, 95 ], “text”: “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy”, } ] } } var text = myJSON.recognitionResult.lines[0].text; console.log(text) 2 solved How to display specific JSON data using … Read more

[Solved] How to convert Array into JSON [closed]

Why your proposed result is invalid Your proposed result is invalid. It can never exist. Objects (as indicated by curly braces {…}) are essentially dictionaries. They map keys to values. It is therefore invalid to not specify any keys (as you did). The data structure you are seeking for are arrays, which are indicated by … Read more

[Solved] Is there a way to get the main paragraph from Wikipedia using JavaScript only? [closed]

To avoid cross-domain issues, you can do this using JSONP: $.getJSON(“http://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&prop=extracts&exintro&format=json&callback=?&titles=Google”, function(data){ var page = data.query.pages; var intro = “”; for (var key in page) { var obj = page[key]; intro = obj.extract; } console.log(intro); }); 1 solved Is there a way to get the main paragraph from Wikipedia using JavaScript only? [closed]

[Solved] Hide div on mouseout [closed]

I have fiddled the code try it. using jquery var diva = $(‘div.a’), divb = $(‘div.b’) divb.hide(); diva.on(‘mouseover’, function(){ divb.show(); }); diva.on(‘mouseout’, function(){ divb.hide(); }); http://jsfiddle.net/6fff9/1/ 3 solved Hide div on mouseout [closed]

[Solved] Ajax is not sending data to PHP

First of all: var username = $(“username”).val(); var password = $(“password”).val(); Should be: var username = $(“#username”).val(); var password = $(“#password”).val(); data: “email=”+email+”&username=”+username+”&password=”+password Should be: data: {email: email, “username”: username, password: password} And $username $_POST[“username”]; $password $_POST[“username”]; Should be: $username = $_POST[“username”]; $password = $_POST[“password”]; 1 solved Ajax is not sending data to PHP

[Solved] What is stored in variable cols in : var $cols = $(‘.sortdivs’).on(‘click’,function(){…});

The return value from .on is simply the collection that it was called on, for chaining purposes. $cols, therefore, is the jQuery object containing a list of elements matched by $(‘.sortdivs’) at the time of exection (NB: not at the time of click). [object Object] is the string representation of any object. Try to inspect … Read more

[Solved] conflict between Jquerys

I find the solution .The solution is to use noConflict function like that : <script> var jq172 = jQuery.noConflict(); jq172(document).ready(function() { var jQueryTabs1Opts = { event: ‘click’, collapsible: false }; jq172(“#jQueryTabs1”).tabs(jQueryTabs1Opts); }); </script> 2 solved conflict between Jquerys

[Solved] I want to add text field in html dynamically using jquery or javascript to a particular button [closed]

i am showing you in javascript. First make your html file look like this <div class=”rButtons”> <input type=”radio” name=”numbers” value=”10″ onclick=”uncheck();” />10 <input type=”radio” name=”numbers” value=”20″ onclick=”uncheck();” />20 <input type=”radio” name=”numbers” value=”other” onclick=”check(this);”/>other <input type=”text” id=”other_field” name=”other_field” onblur=”checktext(this);”/> </div> In the second step write this css code to initially set the text field invisible. <style … Read more