[Solved] fixed divs inside container

This is what it seems you want What you want is a sticky menu which requires javascript to find the current position of the page in the viewport and change the CSS or class to make it fixed. This is a bad example because there is no div that is made visible after you scroll … Read more

[Solved] Javascript object sorting [closed]

You can’t sort properties in an object. Copy the data into an array and sort it. Example: var arr = []; $.each(data, function(key, value){ arr.push({ id: key, data: value }); }); arr.sort(function(x,y){ var xn = x.data.userStatuINT; var yn = y.data.userStatuINT; return xn == yn ? 0 : xn < yn ? -1 : 1; }); … Read more

[Solved] In html , how to fix script code [closed]

Based on your note in the comments, your web host is likely running some sort of security extension to help prevent against attacks, such as XSS attacks. These server security extensions look for likes like <script> tags in submitted data, and will block them. This is good, because if your code is doing what I … Read more

[Solved] Unable to declare variable named “location” in JavaScript

Global variables in the browser are automatically properties of the window object. Assigning to window.location is how you perform a redirect in Javascript. E.g. window.location = ‘http://www.google.com’; will redirect the page to Google. An empty URL means to use the URL of the current page, so you’re telling it to redirect to itself, which just … Read more

[Solved] What does -1 index of an element mean?

-1 means the object cannot be found in the array. $cart.index() returns -1, hence whatever is in $cart can not be found. One line above, you assign $(‘.cart:eq(‘ + cartIndex + ‘)’) to $cart. Hence the selector .cart:eq(‘ + cartIndex + ‘)’ matches no element in your html. solved What does -1 index of an … Read more

[Solved] how to load the text in another textarea where the textarea is within iframe

Are you meaning that the filename what you want to load is contained in parent.frame_name1.iframe_name1.form_name1.textarea_name1 ? In this case you should change the <input type=”file”/> value dynamically, which is not supported by browsers (it would be a security issue). solved how to load the text in another textarea where the textarea is within iframe

[Solved] React Drag and Drop plugin suggestion

Here I created for you a small example that tries to replicate the drag in a placeholder behavior from the link you shared above. Keep in mind that you have total freedom to create how many droppable targets as you want and make them accept different types of items, based on what you specify in … Read more

[Solved] How can I auto import html from web site? [closed]

It looks like you need http://www.seleniumhq.org/ – it can download source of the page and you can programmatically click on links and perform other interactions with the page Also you can download web pages with Apache HTTP Client library – http://hc.apache.org/httpcomponents-client-ga/index.html 0 solved How can I auto import html from web site? [closed]

[Solved] Accessing python dictionary in javascript [duplicate]

Suppose you are making AJAX call in below way, you will get the response dict as resValue. use JSON.parse method on it $.getJSON( “/url”, {params }, function( data, status, xhr ) { $.each(data.response, function(resKey, resValue){ if(resKey == “success”){ var _result = JSON.parse(resValue); } } } solved Accessing python dictionary in javascript [duplicate]

[Solved] Array in javascript like php

JavaScript arrays are designed for numeric indexes and hold ordered data. Use objects to store properties with arbitrary names. var p = {}; p[“abcd”] = “James”; In JS, an array is a kind of object so it is possible to store arbitrary properties on it, but you will run into problems when you attempt to … Read more

[Solved] JS trim() function in cloudant

By definition, the trim() function will only remove leading and trailing white-space within a string, which may not be what you need in this scenario. If you want to remove all white-space in general, you could consider using a Regular Expression replacement via the replace() function: // This will remove all white-space from your input … Read more