[Solved] Highcharts column graph colors via sql data

And I had finally figured out how to make it work colors: [ <?php $num_counts = count($count); $on = 1; foreach($count as $bit => $bit_counts) { if($bit == ‘STEEL’){echo”‘#FF9999′”;} else if($bit == ‘STEEL CROWN’){echo”‘#FF9999′”;} else if($bit == ‘SLIM’){echo”‘#9999FF'”;} else if($bit == ‘KYMERA’){echo”‘#FF2626′”;} else if($bit == ‘HYBRID’){echo”‘#FF2626′”;} else if($bit == ‘EZC’){echo”‘#FFFF26′”;} else if($bit == ‘EZR’){echo”‘#FFFF26′”;} else … Read more

[Solved] Javascript catch error

If the search on http://musicbrainz.org/ws/2/artist/? returns more than one artist, the object returns an array in results.query.results.metadata[“artist-list”].artist So, to access the data, it would be quizCountry = results.query.results.metadata[“artist-list”].artist[0].area.name; quizYear = results.query.results.metadata[“artist-list”].artist[0][“life-span”].begin.match(/\d{4}/); quizBand = results.query.results.metadata[“artist-list”].artist[0].name; So, you’ll need to check if results.query.results.metadata[“artist-list”].count > 1 and change your code appropriately e.g. if(results.query.results.metadata[“artist-list”].count > 1) { quizCountry = … Read more

[Solved] Can a java program be the mediator between webpage javascript and a Database? [closed]

Yes, you can use server-side Java code as a mediator. Use JavaScript to POST data to an HttpServlet, via JavaScript’s XMLHttpRequest object. Then handle the data in your servlet. Once you’ve done your DB business, you can send a “All done!” response back, to be handled by your JS. I suggest reading up on the … Read more

[Solved] AngularJS Json Array

response is an object. result is an object. full is an object. Array1 and Array2 are, obviously enough, arrays. For mytext1: response.result.full.Array1[0] For mytext2: response.result.full.Array1[1] For mytext3: response.result.full.Array2[0] For mytext4: response.result.full.Array2[1] If you want to log everything in the array, use a simple for…loop: var arr = response.result.full.Array1; for (var i = 0, l = … Read more

[Solved] How to get user’s full name only from gmail in java/javascript [duplicate]

No, that is not possible without authorization. You either have to authenticate yourself or let the user perform the authentication at client side and use Google’s user API with the token. Imagine Google giving your personal details to anyone just because he/she knows your email id, why’d they ever do that? 7 solved How to … Read more

[Solved] I want to sort the score in my json file from highest to lowest using java script

Try this var items= { “people”: [ { “name”: “Person A”, “score”: 100 }, { “name”: “Person B”, “score”: 101 }, { “name”: “Person C”, “score”: 100000 }, { “name”: “Person D”, “score”: 555 } ] }; items.people.sort(function(a, b){ return a.score – b.score; }); console.log(items); it works as expected! 0 solved I want to sort … Read more

[Solved] What has the best cross-browser support, JQuery dialogs or HTML5 modal dialogs? [closed]

Sounds like maybe jQuery UI’s Dialogs are what you’re looking for? All you do is set aside some HTML in a container (such as a Div) and then render the dialog box. Link: https://jqueryui.com/dialog/ To “create” the dialog, you’ll just need to create a dialog from the container whenever you need it to be visible. … Read more

[Solved] jQuery AJAX not receiving JSON from http request

For better understanding you can call ajax method as below $.ajax({ url: ‘https://prod.api.pvp.net/api/lol/euw/v1.1/summoner/by-name/kerrie?api_key=[key]’, type: ‘GET’, dataType: ‘JSON’, async: false, error: function(){}, success: function(resp){ // resp variable will be your JSON responce } } }); 1 solved jQuery AJAX not receiving JSON from http request

[Solved] How to modify “this” in javascript

You can use .call(context[, params])and .apply(context[, arguments]) to do this. For example: function move(x, y) { this.style.left = x + “px”; this.style.top = y + “px”; }; // now this in move refers to the div element move.call($(‘div’)[0], 100, 200); But you can’t just overwrite this. solved How to modify “this” in javascript

[Solved] Rewrite regex to accept conditional terms

Your regex doesn’t say what you think it says. ^([a-z0-9_\.-])+@[yahoo]{5}\.([com]{3}\.)?[com]{3}$ Says any characters a-z, 0-9, ., – one or more times. That later part where you are trying match yahoo.com is incorrect. It says y, a, h, or o, any of those characters are allowed 5 times. Same with the com so aaaaa.ooo would be … Read more