[Solved] How to get in jQuery `title` and `url` value from every object? [closed]

“This is my response from backend script.” OK, so assuming that object ends up in a variable called response you can just use a simple loop to access each object in the array in turn: for (var i = 0; i < response.length; i++) { console.log(response[i].fields.title); console.log(response[i].fields.url); } (Where obviously you’d do something more exciting … Read more

[Solved] get all item in local storage

some small confusing parts in your example. You can use the keyname “buy user_film” but i will not recommended. Because you may have some problems with it later. (e.g. dynamic key names.) key: buy user_film{[“”The Silence of the Lambs””,””fats and furiuos””]} You can have objects inside an array but not vice versa 3. film=JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(localStorage.getItem(“buy user_film”))); … Read more

[Solved] Difference between Date parse and differencing the date [duplicate]

Print following commands in browser console and you can see diference: 1) Date.parse(“2013/05/29”) //return number of milliseconds between January 1, 1970 https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date/parse 2) new Date(“2013/05/25”) //return DateTime object solved Difference between Date parse and differencing the date [duplicate]

[Solved] Regular Expression javascript for cip code [closed]

I’ll bite. This should work: var re = /(^\d{2}\.\d{4}$)/; (^ – begin \d{2} – match two digits \. – the period between digit sets \d{4} – match four digits $) – end And if you need the parantheses: var re = /(^\(\d{2}\.\d{4}\)$)/; jsFiddle 0 solved Regular Expression javascript for cip code [closed]

[Solved] How do you make dynamic dropdown menus? [closed]

I have made an example for dynamically changing the selected value of a drop down menu here. <script type=”text/javascript”> window.onload = function() { BindEvent(); } function BindEvent() { var elemToBind = document.getElementById ( “cmb1” ); elemToBind.onchange = function () { SetSel ( this ); } } function SetSel(elem) { var secondCombo = document.getElementById ( “cmb2” … Read more

[Solved] javascript file not loading

Provided that webcontent is the root of public web content and thus /mydomain is also a public folder and thus your JavaScript is standalone available by http://localhost:8080/context/mydomain/test/scripts/test.js, assuming a domain of http://localhost:8080 and a context path of /context, then the following should do: <script src=”#{request.contextPath}/mydomain/test/scripts/test.js”></script> This will generate a domain-relative URL with a dynamically inlined … Read more

[Solved] How to loop in javascript?

As @Robby Cornelissen has said, you are wrapping your array in another array, which is unnecessary and breaking your code. Your for loop only iterates over a single element in the outer array. Also, it is strange for an API response to have a JSON string embedded as a string value within a JSON’s property. … Read more

[Solved] show DIV once selected option PASS from drop down menu [closed]

Change the order <select id=”test” name=”test” onChange=”changetextbox();”> <option value=”PASS”>PASS</option> <option>No</option> <option>No, but planning in future</option> </select> <input type=”text” name=”test” id=”sdd” /> <script type=”text/javascript”> document.getElementById(‘mfi_4_a_i’).onchange = function(){ if (this.value == ‘PASS’) { document.getElementById(‘sdd’).style.display = “block”; } else { document.getELementById(‘sdd’).style.display = “none”; } }; </script> You need to ensure that when the JavaScript runs the DOM elements … Read more

[Solved] Is it possible to place an anchor in an HTML5 placeholder? [closed]

No, the W3C specs on the placeholder attribute says nothing about non-plaintext values. Try this jQuery plugin instead, which positions <label> elements on top of <input> elements and make them act like placeholders: http://fuelyourcoding.com/in-field-labels/ (This came out in a Google search, I am not associated with the plugin, plugin author or the website in any … Read more

[Solved] Looping over JSON nested array in JavaScript

First, your JSON is wrongly formatted and it wouldn’t even parse. Assuming the JSON object is like this: “Categories”: { “cat1”: [ { “id”: 1, “Category_name”: “cat1”, “Name”: “iphone6”, “Details”: “packed”, } ], “cat2”: [ { “id”: 2, “Category_name”: “cat2”, “Name”: “GalaxyS10”, “Details”: “stock” } ], “cat1”: [ { “id”: 3, “Category_name”: “cat1”, “Name”: “iphone5s”, … Read more