[Solved] For what 0 between comma and bracket is used for?
The second argument of the reduce function is the initial value, so for the sum it starts at 0. That’s why the ,0) is there for. 0 solved For what 0 between comma and bracket is used for?
The second argument of the reduce function is the initial value, so for the sum it starts at 0. That’s why the ,0) is there for. 0 solved For what 0 between comma and bracket is used for?
One possible approach is to keep track of the time when the last notification was displayed and always check if 5 minutes have passed since. E.g.: /* Put these 2 lines at the very top of your script */ var interval = 5 * 60 * 1000; // 5 minutes in milliseconds var lastNotification = … Read more
“This is my response from backend script.” OK, so assuming that object ends up in a variable called response you can just use a simple loop to access each object in the array in turn: for (var i = 0; i < response.length; i++) { console.log(response[i].fields.title); console.log(response[i].fields.url); } (Where obviously you’d do something more exciting … Read more
some small confusing parts in your example. You can use the keyname “buy user_film” but i will not recommended. Because you may have some problems with it later. (e.g. dynamic key names.) key: buy user_film{[“”The Silence of the Lambs””,””fats and furiuos””]} You can have objects inside an array but not vice versa 3. film=JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(localStorage.getItem(“buy user_film”))); … Read more
Print following commands in browser console and you can see diference: 1) Date.parse(“2013/05/29”) //return number of milliseconds between January 1, 1970 https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date/parse 2) new Date(“2013/05/25”) //return DateTime object solved Difference between Date parse and differencing the date [duplicate]
I’ll bite. This should work: var re = /(^\d{2}\.\d{4}$)/; (^ – begin \d{2} – match two digits \. – the period between digit sets \d{4} – match four digits $) – end And if you need the parantheses: var re = /(^\(\d{2}\.\d{4}\)$)/; jsFiddle 0 solved Regular Expression javascript for cip code [closed]
I have made an example for dynamically changing the selected value of a drop down menu here. <script type=”text/javascript”> window.onload = function() { BindEvent(); } function BindEvent() { var elemToBind = document.getElementById ( “cmb1” ); elemToBind.onchange = function () { SetSel ( this ); } } function SetSel(elem) { var secondCombo = document.getElementById ( “cmb2” … Read more
It would be better to set the image src to the URL of the image instead of fetching the image through the HTTP Client. [attr.src]=”imageEcho” is causing the additional http request to occur. 2 solved GET http://localhost:4200/[object%20Blob] 404 (Not Found) in Angular
Provided that webcontent is the root of public web content and thus /mydomain is also a public folder and thus your JavaScript is standalone available by http://localhost:8080/context/mydomain/test/scripts/test.js, assuming a domain of http://localhost:8080 and a context path of /context, then the following should do: <script src=”#{request.contextPath}/mydomain/test/scripts/test.js”></script> This will generate a domain-relative URL with a dynamically inlined … Read more
As @Robby Cornelissen has said, you are wrapping your array in another array, which is unnecessary and breaking your code. Your for loop only iterates over a single element in the outer array. Also, it is strange for an API response to have a JSON string embedded as a string value within a JSON’s property. … Read more
Use $(“#email”).val(“”);, which sets the value of the input to an empty string. solved clearing an input with javascript [closed]
Change the order <select id=”test” name=”test” onChange=”changetextbox();”> <option value=”PASS”>PASS</option> <option>No</option> <option>No, but planning in future</option> </select> <input type=”text” name=”test” id=”sdd” /> <script type=”text/javascript”> document.getElementById(‘mfi_4_a_i’).onchange = function(){ if (this.value == ‘PASS’) { document.getElementById(‘sdd’).style.display = “block”; } else { document.getELementById(‘sdd’).style.display = “none”; } }; </script> You need to ensure that when the JavaScript runs the DOM elements … Read more
No, the W3C specs on the placeholder attribute says nothing about non-plaintext values. Try this jQuery plugin instead, which positions <label> elements on top of <input> elements and make them act like placeholders: http://fuelyourcoding.com/in-field-labels/ (This came out in a Google search, I am not associated with the plugin, plugin author or the website in any … Read more
First, your JSON is wrongly formatted and it wouldn’t even parse. Assuming the JSON object is like this: “Categories”: { “cat1”: [ { “id”: 1, “Category_name”: “cat1”, “Name”: “iphone6”, “Details”: “packed”, } ], “cat2”: [ { “id”: 2, “Category_name”: “cat2”, “Name”: “GalaxyS10”, “Details”: “stock” } ], “cat1”: [ { “id”: 3, “Category_name”: “cat1”, “Name”: “iphone5s”, … Read more
You do not HAVE anything in your HTML with id=welche-vorteile for example You need to show us where your navigation sits, because as you can see, even with Math.floor, you never get the values to match You also seem to do several things on scroll which you should do in one on(“scroll”) – if you … Read more