[Solved] html forms that update in real time [closed]

Something like this, maybe? function addNumbers(){ var input1 = Number(document.getElementById(‘input1’).value); var input2 = Number(document.getElementById(‘input2’).value); document.getElementById(‘output’).value = input1 + input2; } <input type=”text” onkeyup=”addNumbers()” id=”input1″ placeholder=”enter a number”><br /> <input type=”text” onkeyup=”addNumbers()” id=”input2″ placeholder=”enter another number”><br /> <input type=”text” id=”output” disabled> 1 solved html forms that update in real time [closed]

[Solved] Access text on click

So you want to know on what value you’ve clicked on, but the binding remains on the row? Perfectly possible: $(document).ready(function(){ $(“.x”).click(function(event){ console.log(event.target); //Log where you clicked console.log($(event.target).text()); }); }); Why should this work? In the event handler that we add to the clicking event when we click the elements with class x (every row), … Read more

[Solved] pull Else if from SQL [closed]

You need to learn the PHP from the basics. Learn about operators, PHP and HTML secion, etc.. Anyway, i fixed your code. The condition is if $vehicle->sold is not equal to 1. But i think, (in your OP you mentioned it should be 0) you want this: $vehicle->sold == 0 //Use sytnax like this. See … Read more

[Solved] Correct Html Float in my website [closed]

Either: Remove float:left; display:block from your navbar links, and add display:inline-block instead – you may need to adjust some sizes or get rid of all whitespace between them, but it works. OR: Add clear:both to the downDiv element 1 solved Correct Html Float in my website [closed]

[Solved] style PHP error message [closed]

Your id’s must be unique throughout the form. Only give an id to the ul <ul id=”myUL”> and use css like: <style type=”text/css”> #myUL { style_att: style_att_val; } #myUL li { style_att: style_att_val; } </style> or put it in a css file and link to it. 0 solved style PHP error message [closed]

[Solved] How do I make a header above my navigation bar?

I have Changed Your Code A bit and it’s working fine Now. tested in Chrome HTML <body> <header role=”banner” id=”top”> <div id=”header-text”> <h1><strong id=”top-title”>Atlas Land Office (text will change)</strong></h1> <p id=”slogan”>Keeping lands fresh.</p> </div> <div id=”menu”> <ul role=”navigation” class=”banner”> <li><a href=”#home”>Home</a> </li> <li><a href=”#land”>Land Surveying</a></li> <li id=”nav-space-left”><a href=”#civil”>Civil Engineering</a></li> <li id=”nav-home”><a href=”#top” title=”Back to top”><img … Read more

[Solved] When click a link, Need to add checked attribute in radio button [closed]

$(‘#linkID’).click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $(‘.classradiobuttons’).prop(‘checked’,true); }) use class=”classradiobuttons” on all your check boxes that need to be checked for that paticular link similarly give a new id to another link and do the same with other radiobutton with a new class name solved When click a link, Need to add checked attribute in radio button [closed]

[Solved] TypeError: array[i] is undefined

You are not allowed to put a PHP array directly to JavaScript. Please try to json_encode it: onclick=’mostrarModal(“.$idboton.”,”.json_encode($arraynombres).”);’ Regarding your JavaScript I would suggest to directly use eventos instead of copying the elements to array: for(var i =0; i < eventos.length;i++) { acumuladordenombres = acumuladordenombres +’ ‘+ eventos[i][0]; } solved TypeError: array[i] is undefined

[Solved] Login form: no matter what it displays the message of “Username/Password combination incorrect” [closed]

$sql = “SELECT * FROM users WHERE username=”$username” and password = ‘$password'” This works for me do not know why it does not for you guessing its your database setup rember this can be “hacked” solved Login form: no matter what it displays the message of “Username/Password combination incorrect” [closed]