[Solved] What is vw, vh, vmin, vmax [duplicate]
vw = viewport width = the width of the browser vh = viewport height if you set the height of a div to 100vh it will be the height of the browser window. 0 solved What is vw, vh, vmin, vmax [duplicate]
vw = viewport width = the width of the browser vh = viewport height if you set the height of a div to 100vh it will be the height of the browser window. 0 solved What is vw, vh, vmin, vmax [duplicate]
Your are trying to get attribute, use attr() for it with complete name of attribute: var name = “data-cityid”; alert($(“#myid”).attr(name)); Here is demo 1 solved Get value using data [closed]
You’re trying to use title1 before it’s defined. swap the lines var title1 = $(‘#node-264152’).find(‘.audio-description’).html(); var linkText = document.createTextNode(title1); Should be noted that since you’re already using jQuery, you could do var title1 = $(‘#node-264152’).find(‘.audio-description’).html(); $(‘<a />’, { href : ‘http://www.someprivatelink.net’, title : title1, text : title1 }).appendTo(‘body’); 1 solved jQuery doesn’t give a proper … Read more
You can use JavaScript to set a cookie with all the changes you want to keep. If the user returns to the page later, restore the changes from the cookie. 1 solved how to store new elements added in webpage by user? [closed]
You can’t include a PHP file in an HTML file. You need to change the extension of the HTML to PHP and use include(). <?php include ‘form2.php’; ?> That is the easiest way to do it. 3 solved Call PHP file inside an HTML without using input tag
use .unwrap() and .wrapAll(): $(‘ul li’).unwrap(); $(‘.a’).wrapAll(‘<ul></ul>’) $(‘.b’).wrapAll(‘<ul></ul>’) $(‘.c’).wrapAll(‘<ul></ul>’) Demo 5 solved Sort bullit list by li class [closed]
Use the information_schema meta-DB: SELECT COLUMN_NAME FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE (TABLE_SCHEMA=’Yourdb’) AND (TABLE_NAME = ‘Yourtablename’) solved Echo name of fields from MySQL table to web page [closed]
Today I tried a content slider, with fixed pagination. I implemented this for something, which I would say after it is released. I could have simply used a plug-in, but due to some technical issues, and I too wanted to learn something, so I did it on my onw. I started with the HTML Markup, … Read more
Use event delegation: $(document).on(‘click’, ‘.edit’, function(){ //function to edit tasks alert(“The check was clicked.”); }); var c = $(‘#c’); $(‘#add’).on(‘click’, function(){ c.append(‘<span class=”edit”><i class=”fa fa-pencil” aria-hidden=”true”></i> Hello</span>’); }); $(document).on(‘click’, ‘.edit’, function(){ //function to edit tasks alert(“The check was clicked.”); }); div { margin-top:10px; } .edit { width:25px; height:25px; margin: 0px 10px 10px 0px; background:#000; color:#fff; … Read more
I think this recursive function does a good job at converting the JSON file to a pretty html page. def parse(hash, iteration=0 ) iteration += 1 output = “” hash.each do |key, value| if value.is_a?(Hash) output += “<div class=”entry” style=”margin-left:#{iteration}em”> <span style=”font-size:#{250 – iteration*20}%”>#{key}: </span><br>” output += parse(value,iteration) output += “</div>” elsif value.is_a?(Array) output += … Read more
You can try using one row like container, inside create 4 div’s and add display flex and justify-content. solved How to Make columns in row [closed]
That’s how you would incorporate a JavaScript file with the filename show.js. JavaScript is an essential part of most websites and required for any interactivity (aside from standard hyperlinks and forms). Open the show.js file in a text editor to see what the script does. 7 solved Is the code “ dangerous? [closed]
The HTML you posted is not formatted so hard to decipher but, for the general case, you could do: let ids = []; let els = document.getElementsByClassName(‘state’) for (let i = 0; i < els.length; i++){ ids.push(els[i].id); } 2 solved Find input value of a class with distinct id?
Your code is almost correct – you are showing the result in the BetAmount field so no change is visible. Change your code to: document.getElementById(“PotentialGain”).value = ish; Here’s a working demo. I changed the event to onkeyup as onchange only happens on blur – i.e. when a field loses focus. solved Calculate one variable based … Read more
Because you didn’t close your bold tag <td id=’customer_service’> <b>Customer Service # (212)-233-5751<br> Thank you for your business</b> <!—- here –> </td> 4 solved Why isn’t my HTML source code not recognizing my open td tags? [closed]