[Solved] Can a java program be the mediator between webpage javascript and a Database? [closed]

Yes, you can use server-side Java code as a mediator. Use JavaScript to POST data to an HttpServlet, via JavaScript’s XMLHttpRequest object. Then handle the data in your servlet. Once you’ve done your DB business, you can send a “All done!” response back, to be handled by your JS. I suggest reading up on the … Read more

[Solved] How to create json response

Try mysql_fetch_assoc: $json = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $json[$row[‘uid’]] = array( ‘lat’ => $row[‘lat’], ‘lon’ => $row[‘lon’], ‘loc’ => $row[‘loc’] ); } echo json_encode($json); You should use MySQLi or PDO_MySQL instead of mysql_. 1 solved How to create json response

[Solved] Create an URL that contains informations to center the map present on the site linked [closed]

What kind of solution? Google Maps API How? You should read well the Google Maps API documentation which is extensive and packed with code samples. Now, in a nutshell, your map needs to know some basic information which you MUST provide, that information is geographical location which comes in latitudes and longitudes. Then you must … Read more

[Solved] Adding Google Maps to an Html File and Using It With Knockouts [closed]

A really quick google revealed: Google maps and knockoutjs http://chadmullins.com/misc-php/knockout-series-three.php and perhaps most usefully: http://hoonzis.blogspot.co.uk/2012/03/knockoutjs-and-google-maps-binding.html. Without further information I can’t be more specific. 2 solved Adding Google Maps to an Html File and Using It With Knockouts [closed]

[Solved] Google places API key error

I think you are missing steps . 1. Go to Google Developers Console. 2. Enable Google Maps Javascript API. 3. Then Generate API key . 4. Then put that API key in the bottom of your code in this section. <script type=”text/javascript” src=”https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=YOUR_GOOGLE_MAPS_JAVASCRIPT_API_KEY&libraries=places&callback=initService” async defer></script> This will 100% work, if follow the steps carefully. 1 … Read more

[Solved] Implementation of Nearby Person on web page [closed]

An implementation could be something like this: <?php $people = [ ‘John’, ‘Adam’, ‘Terry’, ‘Gary’, ‘Wilbur’ ]; $get_closest = function ($person) use ($people) { $closest = []; $key = array_search($person, $people); if($key !== false) { $before = $key-1; $after = $key+1; if(isset($people[$before])) $closest[] = $people[$before]; if(isset($people[$after])) $closest[] = $people[$after]; } return $closest; }; var_dump($get_closest(‘Gary’)); Output: … Read more

[Solved] A toggle button on and off for markers in google maps react

As you already have handleToggle1 function setting the isMarkerVisible flag then on render() you can have this: render() { const markers = this.state.isMarkerVisible ? this.props.policeCall : [] … <your code> return <div> … <your code> {markers.map(({ A, B, M, N, L,O }) => { return ( <Marker onClick={this.onMarkerClick} name={A} info={B} priority={L} position={{ lat: M, lng: … Read more