[Solved] How do I know what files should be gitignored?

Put the files you do not want in your git repository in the .gitignore file. These are typically: Easy to generate files Intermediate (build) files Large binaries (e.g. documentation), that are also available elsewhere (on your companies servers) Files containing sensitive information (like passwords) Files of external dependencies (especially when using a dependency manager to … Read more

[Solved] Can I fork a forked repo to get access to it, where the original repo is private?

Can any of my friends fork and give me the access. Can I fork the repo, which they forked already? Not using GitHub’s forking feature: Private forks inherit the permissions structure of the upstream or parent repository. For example, if the upstream repository is private and gives read/write access to a team, then the same … Read more

[Solved] Installation of package.json

This is the same type of issue as #17. It’s not related to Minishlink/web-push. One of your dependancies is stuck in the past with paragonie/random_compat v1.1.5. You should check which one and ask the owner to update the composer.json. To fix this temporarily, in your composer.json, on your dev machine put: “paragonie/random_compat”: “dev-master as 1.1.5”, … Read more

[Solved] Deploy React app with JSON-server as backend

Before building set your “homepage” in package.json to “https://jmiguelcastellanosj.github.io/ap-m”, this will let github pages load your files properly. Also if your routing doesn’t work properly, in each of your routes add “/ap-m” in front of your path (So path=”https://stackoverflow.com/” becomes path=”/ap-m”) 1 solved Deploy React app with JSON-server as backend

[Solved] Personal git branch

I’m not sure what you mean by this… If you create a branch of someone else’s repo, then you can commit, push, and pull from that branch without touching the master branch. If this isn’t the answer you’re looking for, maybe look into GitLab? You just need to install it on a personal server of … Read more

[Solved] No javascript source from Github pages [closed]

The devtools console gives it away: Mixed Content: The page at ‘https://rowansdabomb.github.io/‘ was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure script ‘http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jQuery/jquery-1.12.2.min.js‘. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS. Your page is being served via HTTPS (which is great) but it tries to load jQuery via HTTP, which is not … Read more

[Solved] Running a django project with documentation based in linux on windows

I’m on Windows 10. If you’re not opposed to using Windows Command Prompt, here are the steps to running this project. I don’t use Powershell but if you must, see Powershell note at bottom of my answer. Go here: https://github.com/sajib1066/django-event-management Grab this clone link: https://github.com/sajib1066/django-event-management.git Open Windows CMD prompt. Change directory to a place on … Read more