[Solved] Redrawing only some objects? [closed]

Because you provided no code samples we can just assume you redraw your scene every timer-tick and you might draw the just random-generated locations of the trees at every tick event, a solution like suggested by others is to generate the random coordinates of the trees before you draw the first time, save those coordinates … Read more

[Solved] CreateProcess creating process, but game is not working

You should start the game in it’s own directory like so: string strDir = game_path.substr(0, game_path.find_last_of(“/\\”)); //Get the process dir name //STart the process in its dir if (!CreateProcess(game_path.c_str(), NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE, CREATE_SUSPENDED, NULL, strDir.c_str(), &siLoadee, &m_piLoadee)) 0 solved CreateProcess creating process, but game is not working