[Solved] Adding data dynamically from one json object to another

You’re pretty much going to need a server-side process if you want to save your changes. You can load the JSON via ajax: $.ajax({ url: “/path/to/friends.json”, dataType: “json”, success: function(data) { // Here, `data` will be the object resulting from deserializing the JSON // Store `data` somewhere useful, perhaps you might have a `friends` // … Read more

[Solved] Dynamic inflating gives me a nullexception

I’ve change the type of view to resolve the problem: I had… //View newGratLayout = LayoutInflater.from(getActivity()).inflate(R.layout.albaran_invoices_row, ll_invoices_layer, false); And now I had… RelativeLayout newGratLayout = (RelativeLayout)getActivity().getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.albaran_invoices_row, null); //rl_albaran_invoices_row Thank for the people how try to help me. solved Dynamic inflating gives me a nullexception

[Solved] jQuery methods on dynamic elements

You need to save $(this) after function() $(document).on(“click”,”.PlayPause”,function(){ var $this = $(this); //////Save this here////// if($(this).attr(‘src’) == ‘img/Play.png’){ $(this).attr(‘src’,’img/Pause.png’); var songId = $(this).parent().siblings(‘.Top_Container’).children(‘input’).val(); $.post(‘songs.php’,{songId : songId}, function(path){ //////////Use $this instead of $(this) inside here/////////// if(globalSong.playState && !($(this).hasClass(‘prevSelection’))){//$this $(‘.prevSelection’).attr(‘src’,’img/Play.png’); globalSong.pause(); $(‘.prevSelection’).removeClass(‘prevSelection’); } globalSong = soundManager.createSound({ id: (“sound” + songId), url: (songsPath + path), volume: userPrefVolume }); … Read more