[Solved] Convert .exe to injectable Dll

Try this : BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hModule, DWORD dwAttached, LPVOID lpvReserved) { if (dwAttached == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) { CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)WinMain, NULL, 0, NULL); //starts the routine in anew thread } return 1; } 0 solved Convert .exe to injectable Dll

[Solved] How would I go about Game Networking with C#? [closed]

If you have average skill using an SDK should be helpful for you. Start out with something like XNA Game Studio to see how those concepts are done. This document is the starting point for the SDK https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb200104.aspx and the “Network” concepts you are specially looking for are discussed here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb975947.aspx As for the database … Read more

[Solved] Why the weird language? [closed]

Because DLLs are compiled. You’re looking at binary data (machine code instructions, plus various bits of data) with a text editor. While some programs are distributed as source code (bash scripts, JavaScript/HTML/CSS Windows Universal Apps, several others), many others (probably “most” on Windows) are distributed as compiled machine code. solved Why the weird language? [closed]

[Solved] How can I link a dll file using php?

There was a similar question asked in a forum but the solution provided spit out an error. Perhaps you’ll get lucky and this will work for you. Also don’t forget to register the DLL with Windows. https://www.daniweb.com/programming/web-development/threads/120748/php-call-dll solved How can I link a dll file using php?

[Solved] Can System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.dll be used in Visual Studio 2008

This will not help you. If this DLL is included with the .NET 4.0 redistributable, then you should have it installed already, and if you don’t, you need to re-download and re-install the redistributable from Microsoft’s website. This will allow you to run an application that was written and compiled for .NET 4.0. If it … Read more

[Solved] Trying to show a Windows Form using a DLL that is imported at the runtime in a console application

The problem is that Activator.CreateInstance does not return ExpandObject (dynamic). You should run test() by reflection, like this : foreach (Type type in DLL.GetExportedTypes()) { dynamic c = Activator.CreateInstance(type); MethodInfo methodInfo = type.GetMethod(“test”); methodInfo.Invoke(c , null); } 2 solved Trying to show a Windows Form using a DLL that is imported at the runtime in … Read more