[Solved] TypeError: DisplayMarketingMessage() takes no arguments how to fix it

you can try following implimentation from django.utils.deprecation import MiddlewareMixin class DisplayMarketing(MiddlewareMixin): def process_request(self, request): try: request.session[‘marketing_message’]=MarketingMessage.objects.all()[0].message except: request.session[‘marketing_message’]=False solved TypeError: DisplayMarketingMessage() takes no arguments how to fix it

[Solved] dynamic filter choice field in django

So I figured this out, I was passing the plant_number instead of the id, which is what django was expecting since my filter is against the Sightings model and plant_number is a foreign key in the the Sightings model. The code that worked: plant_number = django_filters.ChoiceFilter(choices=[[o.id, o.plant_number + ” ” + o.Manufacturer] for o in … Read more

[Solved] My AWS ec2 instance is running on ec2-xx-1xx-xxx-24.compute-1.amazonaws.com:8000. how do i make it run on ec2-xx-1xx-xxx-24.compute-1.amazonaws.com

You can configure the same via virtual host in httdp.conf with redirection rule or you can do the same with ELB in which you can mention the request comes on 80 and ELB will forward the same on 8000 port. solved My AWS ec2 instance is running on ec2-xx-1xx-xxx-24.compute-1.amazonaws.com:8000. how do i make it run … Read more

[Solved] How to configure and use MySQL with Django? [closed]

You can easily install xampp first from https://www.apachefriends.org/download.html (Follow these steps for xampp installation.) Then follow the instructions as: Install and run xampp from http://www.unixmen.com/install-xampp-stack-ubuntu-14-04/, then start Apache Web Server and MySQL Database from the GUI. You can configure your web server as you want but by default web server is at http://localhost:80 and database … Read more

[Solved] Running a django project with documentation based in linux on windows

I’m on Windows 10. If you’re not opposed to using Windows Command Prompt, here are the steps to running this project. I don’t use Powershell but if you must, see Powershell note at bottom of my answer. Go here: https://github.com/sajib1066/django-event-management Grab this clone link: https://github.com/sajib1066/django-event-management.git Open Windows CMD prompt. Change directory to a place on … Read more

[Solved] Elasticsearch bool query sort by date if status is true

Two things regarding the mapping: There’s an address field there that’s not found in your actual documents. Remove it. Your dates should be mapped correctly using the date datatype. A correct mapping would look like this: { “properties”:{ “end_date”:{ “type”:”date”, “format”:”yyyy-MM-dd” }, “start_date”:{ “type”:”date”, “format”:”yyyy-MM-dd” }, //…other properties } } Once you get the mapping … Read more

[Solved] python django only the first statement statement can be accessed

The problem is your function searched() in the script-tag. If you have for example following name-instances: [ { ‘First’: ‘foo’, ‘Last’: ‘bar’, }, { ‘First’: ‘foobar’, ‘Last’: ‘barfoo’, } ] So your rendered if–else in the function would look like this: function searched(){ nameSearched = document.getElementById(‘name’).value; if (“foo” == nameSearched) { … } else { … Read more