[Solved] what does mean this code in c sharp c# [closed]

I’m guessing you’re getting something along the lines of “there is already an open reader associated with the current connection”, yes? If so, see the second part of the answer. this what i dont understand CustomerDS custDB = new CustomerDS(); custDB.Clear(); adap.Fill(custDB, “Customers”); The first line is trivial, and simply creates a new empty instance … Read more

[Solved] How to create software .exe file attached it with database which can able to run on different machine?

Your question and your error arent related. For your client, you need to install Sql Express. LocalDB deployment on client PC For the flash error, you need to check where you are using flash and make sure is also installed. 2 solved How to create software .exe file attached it with database which can able … Read more

[Solved] C# code for open/close drawer and printing the receipt at the same time? [closed]

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using Microsoft.PointOfService; namespace POS { public class CashDrawerClass { CashDrawer myCashDrawer; PosExplorer explorer; public CashDrawerClass() { explorer = new PosExplorer(this); DeviceInfo ObjDevicesInfo = explorer.GetDevice(“CashDrawer”); myCashDrawer = explorer.CreateInstance(ObjDevicesInfo); } public void OpenCashDrawer() { myCashDrawer.Open(); myCashDrawer.Claim(1000); myCashDrawer.DeviceEnabled = true; myCashDrawer.OpenDrawer(); myCashDrawer.DeviceEnabled = false; myCashDrawer.Release(); myCashDrawer.Close(); } } } try that. maybe … Read more

[Solved] Dynamic Table with Crystal Report in Visual C#

Introduction This tutorial will provide a step-by-step guide on how to create a dynamic table with Crystal Report in Visual C#. Crystal Reports is a powerful reporting tool that allows users to create dynamic, interactive reports from a variety of data sources. With Crystal Reports, users can easily create complex reports with multiple tables, charts, … Read more

[Solved] how to show the progress bar while loading the crystal report

Loading report is a single operation (two at most: query and displaying the viewer), so that you can’t split it do display progress accurately. You could display progressless bar or use animated image like this one: That operation has to run in parallel to UI thread (use Thread, Task or BackgroundWorker), otherwise your progress (progressbar … Read more