[Solved] Ubuntu Cronjob with rsync

To reduce the amount of space you use significantly, you’ll need to reduce the number of copies you keep. This is the 2nd argument to the script. So if you run every 3 days, and want to keep a month of backups, change it to: ../rsyncsnapshot.sh daily 10 0 solved Ubuntu Cronjob with rsync

[Solved] Keep loading my script [duplicate]

You should use a cronjob. Start by opening you terminal and run crontab -e You may need to configure your crontab settings (default editor) if this is the first time you are using crontab. Now, in your editor, you have to call your php script like this: (it is set to be called each hour) … Read more

[Solved] How to send emails in large quantities with PHP script and cronjobs [closed]

You should have a database table with these columns: =============== Suscribers Table =============== |id (int)|email (varchar)|sent (tinyint) |1|[email protected]|0 |2|[email protected]|0 |3|[email protected]|0 Then something like this PHP script: // DB Connection require_once ‘db.php’; // Check if we have users with a 0 sent value $query = mysql_query(“SELECT COUNT(id) FROM suscribers WHERE sent = 0”); $results = mysql_num_rows($query); … Read more