[Solved] String return from member function in C++

In C and C++ as opposed to C# and Java, variables do not need to be allocated in dynamic memory, which includes strings and character arrays. If you need or want to return pointers from a function, they must point to some variable that won’t disappear after execution leaves the function. The two popular techniques … Read more

[Solved] What is option -O3 for g++ and nvcc?

It’s optimization on level 3, basically a shortcut for several other options related to speed optimization etc. (see link below). I can’t find any documentation on it. … it is one of the best known options: https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Optimize-Options.html http://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-compiler-driver-nvcc/#options-for-altering-compiler-linker-behavior solved What is option -O3 for g++ and nvcc?

[Solved] How does template specialisation work?

This is no specialization, this is instanciation. Templates are managed in two passes. The first is almost syntactic; the compiler just verifies if the code looks like something correct. Then when you use the template (instanciate it) with the given or deduced types, it tries to generate the code (if not already done), so when … Read more

[Solved] Problem with runtime compilation in C#?

If you check CompilerResults compres it shows that there’s an exception and the compilation was not successful and hence it’s not writing out Assembly.exe and there is a System.IO.FileNotFound exception from Process.Start() Try this public void compile() { CSharpCodeProvider myCodeProvider = new CSharpCodeProvider(); ICodeCompiler myCodeCompiler = myCodeProvider.CreateCompiler(); string myAssemblyName = @”Assembly.exe”; CompilerParameters myCompilerParameters = new … Read more

[Solved] c-behaviour of printf(“%d”, ) [duplicate]

printf is unusual in that it has no single function signature. In other words, there’s no mechanism to automatically take the actual arguments you pass and convert them into the type that’s expected. Whatever you try to pass, gets passed. If the type you pass does not match the type expected by the corresponding format … Read more

[Solved] Having trouble compiling an ultimate tic tac to code I found because it is in a different coding language than what I am learning [closed]

You can compile the program with Visual Studio 2019 (Community Edition will be good) The published github is not friendly…you have to create the project from scratch, follow those steps Create a new WPF project (WPF App (.NET Framework)) Copy all files in the project folder (overwrite MainWindow.xaml and MainWindow.xaml.cs) Add all .cs file to … Read more

[Solved] Reducing Run Time C or C++ [closed]

First profile. Second, turn up optimizations levels on you compiler. Thirdly, replace your for loop with multiplication / algebra. For example, the linea+=N is the fundamental basis for multiplication (repetitive addition), and the loop can be replaced by:a += j * N; N -= j; Replacing the loop will speed up your program (if your … Read more