[Solved] How to know what bots of a website, if I have no root access to the hosting they will read?

You can see and identify all traffic to your website in the access logs generated by apache, nginx, iss, … Furthermore there are already a lot of tools out there which are able to parse and reflect the data in a human reabable format. e.g. awstats solved How to know what bots of a website, … Read more

[Solved] How to add “reason” thing to ban command

Simply use member.ban(‘reason here’). Use an object if you need to delete previous messages and supply a reason, like so: member.ban({days: 2, reason: ‘bad’}); Now, just use this setup with the user’s reason. Use a variable for the reason as a sliced version of the arguments array, joined with spaces. Edit: Showing context… if (message.content.toLowerCase().startsWith(‘+ban’)) … Read more

[Solved] Display all Guild Names of a Bot in discord.js

guilds.json { Placeholder: null } The above is the file with the guild IDs const fs = require(‘fs’); const Discord = require(‘discord.js’); const client = new Discord.Client(); client.on(‘ready’, () => { let guilds = client.guilds.cache const json = {} guilds.forEach(g => { json[g.name] = g.id }); fs.writeFileSync(‘./guilds.json’, JSON.stringify(json)) }); client.on(‘guildCreate’, guild => { const file … Read more

[Solved] Check if people in a voice channel have turned on video (discord.py) [closed]

Try looking at this https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html?highlight=voicestate#discord.VoiceState.self_mute This is documentation for Voice State. It will tell you whether they are muted(by them not server) or not. I’m guessing video is fairly similar. solved Check if people in a voice channel have turned on video (discord.py) [closed]

[Solved] The BlackHole Bot Trap

Since your first line is as follows: $fp = fopen($filename, ‘r’) or die(‘<p>Error opening file.</p>’); We can pretty quickly deduce that the fopen() call is failing. Verify that you’re providing the function with a correct file path — nothing after it matters if the file doesn’t open! solved The BlackHole Bot Trap