[Solved] jQuery true and false [closed]

Give that the following assumption is correct (this this is often the cause of this sort of problem): /Game/CheckName returns a piece of text that is either the word “true” or the word “false” Then the solution is: Compare strings, not booleans. if (data === “true”) {} Beware whitespace in your output. It will stop … Read more

[Solved] Regex to match url not for certain file types

You need to use a lookbehind for that, try http(s)?://([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]+(/[\w- ./?%&=;]*)?(?<!jpg)(?<!gif)(?<!doc)$ You need also the anchor $ at the end, it matches the end of the string, that is important to define clearly the point from where the lookbehind should look behind. See it here on Regexr 1 solved Regex to match url not for … Read more

[Solved] asp.net gridview control binding with other controls [closed]

Welcome to Stack Overflow. call the grid binding function on save button. It would cause the grid re binding. provide code for better answers. these links may help: GridView not Rebinding Properly After Postback What rebinding a gridview has to do with edit mode? Remember Even the questions help. solved asp.net gridview control binding with … Read more

[Solved] Using C# and asp read and write xml [closed]

Take a look at the docs on MSDN, there are examples at the bottom. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.xml.xmlreader.aspx for getting a dataset from XML see this MSDN article http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/fx29c3yd.aspx the final part – regarding the writing back to multiple tables can be see from this walk through on MSDN http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/4esb49b4.aspx 6 solved Using C# and asp read and … Read more

[Solved] Counting number of vowels in a string

You have this in your code: const string vowels = “aeiou”; return value.Count(chr => vowels.Contains(char.ToLower(chr))); That works, at least if your culture is US. So no idea why you commented it out in favor of the current monstrosity. On a Turkish locale it will fail because the lower case of I is not i but … Read more

[Solved] How can I cast an ASP.NET Label?

You can access html labels from C# or divs for that matter too (HtmlGenericControl, or (HtmlGenericControl(“label”)) and type cast it to their respective types after calling findControl(). If you want to access it without the findcontrol and type cast, you need to have the ‘asp’ tag prefix like: <asp:Label and you need to include runat=”server” … Read more

[Solved] Set TextBox as required based upon “selected” value of DropDownList

Add following code in SelectedIndexChanged event in .cs file protected void PositionShift_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (PositionShift.SelectedIndex == 1 || PositionShift.SelectedIndex == 3 || PositionShift.SelectedIndex == 5) { RequisitionNumberLabel.Text = “*”; } else { RequisitionNumberLabel.Text = “Requisition Number”; } } Also, set Autopostback property of DropDownList to True. solved Set TextBox as required based … Read more

[Solved] why my query doesn’t work correctly? [closed]

i solved my problem,i was forgotten that i use the IsPostBack : if (!IsPostBack) { if (Request[“Id”] != null) { Int32 ID = Int32.Parse(Request[“Id”].ToString()); using (NoavaranModel.NoavaranEntities1 dbContext = new NoavaranModel.NoavaranEntities1()) { var query = (from list in dbContext.Packages where list.Id == ID select list).FirstOrDefault(); txtName.Text = query.Name; txtLevel.Text = query.Level; txtDescription.Text = query.Description; Image2.ImageUrl = … Read more

[Solved] Cycle WordPress posts

for those of you interested this link seems to have some useful information about how to both post and get from wordpress using asp.net http://www.dotnetcurry.com/ShowArticle.aspx?ID=419 solved Cycle WordPress posts

[Solved] In .net store the data in textboxes [closed]

Rather than storing data in an asp:TextBox, you should consider some other methods of storing values. For example, you can use the HttpApplicationState class in System.Web to store a variety of different data types. If you wanted to store a DataTable using this method, you could do so by doing something like this in C#: … Read more

[Solved] How to count 2 or 3 letter words in a string using asp c#

You can try something like this: split sentence by space to get array of words group them by length of word (and order by that length) iterate through every group and write letter count and number of words with that letter count code using System.Linq; using System.Diagnostics; … var words = value.Split(‘ ‘); var groupedByLength … Read more