[Solved] Sorting an array of n people alphabetically [closed]
Exchange Sort and Bubble Sort are two quite simple sorting algorithms that can be written on the fly. solved Sorting an array of n people alphabetically [closed]
Exchange Sort and Bubble Sort are two quite simple sorting algorithms that can be written on the fly. solved Sorting an array of n people alphabetically [closed]
Assuming the string “N/A” is without anything leading or tailing you can do the following var na = contentOfYourTextbox; if(!na.match(/^N\s*[/]\s*A$/)){ alert(“I’m sorry, Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that.”); } else { // do whatever you have plannned to do when the user entered “N/A” } 2 solved Javascript validation error not valid value N/A … Read more
I believe it should be Password=Sdvavava, instead of Password:Sdvavava. Use an equals sign instead of a colon, like the other parameters. solved Finding error after publish my asp.net web application on Godaddy
First, you need && operator instead of ||, Second, No need to use M. Looks like you are newbie, forgive me if you are not. min >= 0.01 && || <= 0.80 will be true if either min is bigger or equal to 0.01 or lesser or equal to 0.80, in this case min = … Read more
You should just use OAuth2 and follow the recommended process by facebook. Have a look at the documentation of the facebook graph API here. Remember to create a facebook developer account here. If youre using ASP.NET, there is an included Facebook OAuth2 client. Have a look at this link here. Its actually pretty easy to … Read more
Your question is not clear. what i understand that seems u want to restrict user to modified url. you can user URL Referrer check on page load if Request.UrlReferrer.AbsoluteUri == null { Response.redirect(“home page”) } If someone tried to modify url it will alway return null and you can redirect to home page or some … Read more
I assume you have created a div that contains controls relating to the users inbox, or a custom message. Firstly, I suggest putting the controls in an asp:Panel, and not a . This is so you can hide and show the panel at any time. Force the panel to be hidden on page load. Then, … Read more
If I understand the problem correctly, you are trying to send three values from Page One to Page Two. In that case, you could build a Query string using the values from txtBoxBookTitle, drpDownType and DrpDownPurchase. The string should be in the follwing format: string queryString = “?bookName={txtBoxBookTitle}&bookType={drpDownType.Value}&purchaseType={DrpDownPurchase.Value}” Then you could append the above string … Read more
You didn’t tell what is wrong exactly but I see a few things wrong in your code. You should always use parameterized queries. This kind of string concatenations are open for SQL Injection attacks. I assume your Scor and ID columns are numeric, not character. That’s why you should not use single quotes with it. … Read more
I think you will have to create a js file to implement these event handlers that you load for all views of the controller. You can use the same js to make async calls to the server side methods if you need. 2 solved asp.net life cycle controller with multiple views [closed]
Try this, it worked for me http://www.searchengineknowledge.com/hosting/embedgooglemaps.php 2 solved where i can download google earth api for asp.net web application [closed]
this part: cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmd.Parameters.Clear(); cmd.Dispose(); cmd = null; db.Close(); db.Open(); SqlDataReader DR; DR = cmd.ExecuteReader(); why do you execute a non query, which is a query (select * from …)? why do you dispose the SqlCommand object cmd and why do you reuse it after disposing? why do you close and open the line below? … Read more
It is invalid to assign an access modifier to a local variable hence the error. You need to remove the private access modifier from the local variable. public ActionResult Index() { Repository repository = new Repository(); return View(repository.Reservations); } 1 solved Unable to instantiate Object in ASP.NET [closed]
I use this on my devops site to get info about client workstation: string a1 = Request.ServerVariables[“REMOTE_ADDR”]; Label1.Text = “Microsoft & Browser Settings: \t” + Request.UserAgent; Label2.Text = “Web Server IP: ” + HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables[“LOCAL_ADDR”]; Label3.Text = “Request Server DNS: ” + Request.ServerVariables[“REMOTE_ADDR”]; Label4.Text = “Request Host Address DNS: ” + Request.UserHostAddress; Label5.Text = “Request Host … Read more
To achieve this functionality use jquery countdown timer as it is lightweight and there is no extra load on server simply it runs on client side. please refer to this plugin Jquery Countdown Plugin. Hope this full fill you need. 1 solved Implementing Countdown Timer in ASP.NET c# for Online Test System [closed]