[Solved] Converting DateTime string in ddd MMM dd HH:mm:ss ‘EST’ yyyy format?

In my controller I do the following now. var startDateTZ = _startDate.Substring(20, 4); if (startDateTZ[3] == ‘ ‘) { startDateTZ = _startDate.Substring(20, 3); } if (startDateTZ.Length > 3) { if (startDateTZ[3] == ‘0’) { startDateTZ = _startDate.Substring(19, 4); } if (startDateTZ[3] == ‘2’) { startDateTZ = _startDate.Substring(19, 3); } } var startDate = new DateTime(); … Read more

[Solved] ASP NET Core (MVC) problem with passing parameters from the view to the controller

Because the parameter names you accept are answer1, answer2, you should have a matching name in your view to make it possible to bind successfully. You can modify your front-end code as follows(DropDownListForto DropDownList): @model CommonEntity @using (Html.BeginForm(“Find”, “Hello”)) { @Html.DropDownList(“answer1”, new SelectList(ViewBag.Location, “Title”, “Title”)) @Html.DropDownList(“answer2”, new SelectList(ViewBag.JobTitle, “Title”, “Title”)) <button type=”submit”>Find</button> } Your Controller: … Read more

[Solved] jQuery Find Closest Input

Closest will search for the parent elements. Here the input is not the parent element of the image. Its a sibling only. You can use siblings() selector for this purpose. var input = $(image).siblings(“input”); Or you can use, var input = $(image).closest(“.col-md-2”).find(“input”); Get the parent div(since the image and input are under same parent) Then … Read more

[Solved] ASP.net Hosting [closed]

Web Hosting Checklist (There are lots of checklist available, you can search google for more details) Disk space Bandwidth Domains Programming language Email accounts E-commerce options a decent management Panel a decent technical support Flexibility extra service a strong infrastructure Check these checklist: Web Hosting Checklist Web Hosting Checklist solved ASP.net Hosting [closed]

[Solved] C# – Upload video and read QR codes in it

Sounds like there are two parts to this question: 1. Getting an image from a video I suppose you manage to do this since you did not provide any info on the video file format. 2. Detecting a QR code in an image. Multiple options exist: Use the AForgeTry using AForge.NET library for capturing the … Read more

[Solved] ASP.Net MVC3 : Steven Sanderson’s tutorial — using Ninject error [closed]

I suggest to use the official Ninject MVC3 extension. The NuGet package Ninject.MVC3 will setup everything for you so that you can start to inject depenencies into your controllers. Replacing the controller factory isn’t the prefered way anymore for MVC3. With this release the proposed approch by the MVC development team is to use a … Read more

[Solved] Free text editor with image gallery

ckeditor(text)+ckfinder(image) Or you can use Summernote with server side image upload setup $(‘#Editor’).summernote({ lang: ‘fa-IR’, callbacks: { onImageUpload: function (files) { var $editor = $(this); var data = new FormData(); data.append(‘imageFile’, files[0]); $.ajax({ url: ‘/Server/UploadImage’, method: ‘POST’, data: data, processData: false, contentType: false, success: function (url) { $editor.summernote(‘insertImage’, url); } }); } } }); and … Read more

[Solved] Why i can not use reference variable?

You are trying to write execution code inside of a class. Please close it in a method, or any other execution code block and it will be ok. Following this article: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/keywords/class A class can contain declarations of the following members: Constructors Constants Fields Finalizers Methods Properties Indexers Operators Events Delegates Classes Interfaces Structs I … Read more

[Solved] How to find just Current time and just day in mvc [closed]

You can get the Day and Time in DateTime object (datestr). Check datestr object to get more information such as month, year, ShortTimeString. DateTime datestr = DateTime.Now; datestr.DayOfWeek; //it shows the day ex: monday,tuesday datestr.ToLongTimeString(); //restult will be time ex: “10:18:19 PM” 6 solved How to find just Current time and just day in mvc … Read more

[Solved] .NET Cast to Array Model Object [closed]

Your error says everything you need to know here. There’s no default cast for string to your Models.Emails type. Emails is essentially an ID with a collection of e-mail addresses, it appears. I would recommend using the .Net System.Net.Mail namespace instead of what you’re doing here with strings, but in a lightweight application, strings are … Read more

[Solved] Design table that it’s have long name with sorting sign and textbox for search

I have looked up and down, tried all the different and various ways of being able to solve this problem,Then I find the Solution. You can use the text-overflow Property in CSS to not write long titles in multiple lines. Use this Style : th.fit { white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; } Check out … Read more