[Solved] You have a 64-bit number 0xCCCCCCCCAAAAAAAA. Write an assembly program to implement 64-bit Logic Shift Right. Shift this 64-bit number right by 4 [closed]

You have a 64-bit number 0xCCCCCCCCAAAAAAAA. Write an assembly program to implement 64-bit Logic Shift Right. Shift this 64-bit number right by 4 [closed] solved You have a 64-bit number 0xCCCCCCCCAAAAAAAA. Write an assembly program to implement 64-bit Logic Shift Right. Shift this 64-bit number right by 4 [closed]

[Solved] Spectre: Is SIMD the reason?

No, the “high-end” feature that matters on those ARM CPUs is out-of-order execution, with branch-prediction + speculative execution. In-order CPUs with NEON (like Cortex A-53) aren’t on the list of affected CPUs, because Spectre depends on speculative execution. Spectre primes the branch predictors so an indirect branch in privileged code is mispredicted to go somewhere … Read more

[Solved] Difference between intrinsic, inline, external in embedded system? [closed]

Intrinsic functions Are functions which the compiler implements directly when possible instead of calling an actual function in a library. For example they can be used for optimization or to reach specific hardware functionality. For ARM their exist an intrinsic function (and many others) called “__nop()” which inserts a single NOP (No Operation) instruction. See … Read more

[Solved] some arm inline assembly [closed]

As mentioned by the commenters LDR r3,#0xaabbccdd is not a valid instruction. Immediates in ARM opcodes are on the form ZeroExtend(imm8) ROR (imm4*2), which would allow you to represent e.g. 0xaa000000, 0x00bb0000 and even 0xd000000d – but not e.g. 0xaabb0000 or 0xaabbccdd. Assemblers typically provide a pseudo-instruction for loading 32-bit immediates, e.g. in GAS you … Read more

[Solved] Is ARM’s RISC instruction set a subset of x86? If so, why can’t x86 run ARM software natively then?

No, its no. The ARM instruction set may be more limited compared to the x86 instruction set but this has nothing to do with the architecture of the processors. The ARM instruction set is not a subset of x86 instructions. They are encoded differently and the processor executes them in a different way. The registers … Read more

[Solved] Error: Cannot install in Homebrew on ARM processor in Intel default prefix (/usr/local)

For what it’s worth, before installing Homebrew you will need to install Rosetta2 emulator for the new ARM silicon (M1 chip). I just installed Rosetta2 via terminal using: /usr/sbin/softwareupdate –install-rosetta –agree-to-license This will install rosetta2 with no extra button clicks. After installing Rosetta2 above you can then use the Homebrew cmd and install Homebrew for … Read more