[Solved] some arm inline assembly [closed]

As mentioned by the commenters LDR r3,#0xaabbccdd is not a valid instruction. Immediates in ARM opcodes are on the form ZeroExtend(imm8) ROR (imm4*2), which would allow you to represent e.g. 0xaa000000, 0x00bb0000 and even 0xd000000d – but not e.g. 0xaabb0000 or 0xaabbccdd.

Assemblers typically provide a pseudo-instruction for loading 32-bit immediates, e.g. in GAS you can do:

ldr r3,=0xaabbccdd

Which would be encoded as a PC-relative load – i.e. ldr r3,[pc,#offset]. The offset (and therefore the exact instruction encoding) depends on the distance from the instruction to the literal pool where the value is stored.


solved some arm inline assembly [closed]