[Solved] Develop a system sent number from (visual basic use Text box and send button) to dispaly the number on 7 segment connected to your arduino [closed]

Develop a system sent number from (visual basic use Text box and send button) to dispaly the number on 7 segment connected to your arduino [closed] solved Develop a system sent number from (visual basic use Text box and send button) to dispaly the number on 7 segment connected to your arduino [closed]

[Solved] Arduino audio playback without SD card not working? [closed]

const unsigned char sample2[] PROGMEM = { 100,96,84,72,60,58,46,34,20,18,4,12,20,38,46,54,62, }; int inPin = 7; void setup() { pinMode(inPin, INPUT_PULLUP); } int lastPin = HIGH; // HIGH means not pressed for Pullup Inputs void loop() { int pin = digitalRead(inPin); if (pin == lastPin) return; if (pin == HIGH) { startPlayback(sample1, sizeof(sample1)); } else { startPlayback(sample2, sizeof(sample2)); … Read more