[Solved] I am trying to have an MQTT protocol in android studio. I have also updated gradle.properties [closed]

Duplicate file error comes when you have added the dependency jar to build.gradle file and also you are having same .jar file in your libs folder. To eliminate this error try to have only one thing, either have it in your build.gradle or in locally in your libs folder. 0 solved I am trying to … Read more

[Solved] Custom Animation Android [closed]

First add this library compile ‘com.bartoszlipinski:viewpropertyobjectanimator:1.4.5’ Then you need the following extension functions: fun View.objectAnimate() = ViewPropertyObjectAnimator.animate(this) private typealias OnMeasuredCallback = (view: View, width: Int, height: Int) -> Unit inline fun View.waitForMeasure(crossinline callback: OnMeasuredCallback) { val view = this val width = view.getWidth() val height = view.getHeight() if (width > 0 && height > 0) … Read more

[Solved] How to download AOSP for 4.4.2 version OS?

But there is no faster way, as answered in your previous question. You are gonna have to be patient. $ repo sync -j8 -c EDITED Also, depending on your needs, you may want to try to pass –depth=1, to your repo init in order to get a shallow clone of the repositories. I have never … Read more

[Solved] Disable Uninstall button in android manageapplication

The only way to make your application uninstallable (well… You can’t really if the user is using a rooted phone) would be to install it directly in Android bundle, pushing it via ADB (while rooted) to the /system/app directory… Then, it’s in anyway possible for a dev with standard access to the users phone. 3 … Read more

[Solved] setAdapter View Pager in a fragment

Convert mPager.setAdapter(new MyAdapter(Beranda.this, XMENArray)); to mPager.setAdapter(new MyAdapter(getActivity(), XMENArray)); See, the problem is that your class extends Fragment and you can not pass fragment class instance to the context. So you have to pass context of Activity in which you are using this fragment. 1 solved setAdapter View Pager in a fragment

[Solved] how to retrieve all the keys in firebase android

All You have to do is do a nested query .! first find key of parent then get pass that key to next query and then find its children.! List<user> userList=new ArrayList(); mdatabaseRef.addValueEventListener(new ValueEventListener() { @Override public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) { for (DataSnapshot child: dataSnapshot.getChildren()){ String key = child.getKey(); fun(key); } private void fun(String key){ … Read more

[Solved] How to keep edittexts values after calling another activity than back

Do not call Actvity A from Actvity B.Just Call OnBackPressed use the below code to get result from Actvity B In Activity A //Activity A calls Activity B Intent intent = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), HayvanKartiList.class); intent.putExtra(“activityname”,BuzagiKayitActivity.class); intent.putExtra(“ciftlikoid”, ciflikoid); startActivityForResult(intent, REQUEST_CODE); @Override protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { if (requestCode == REQUEST_CODE) { // … Read more

[Solved] Android SDK minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion

Yes, it will work(on api level greater than 17) without any major issue, there may be user experience related problems on latest versions(say 5.0 or 5.1). But it is recommended to use latest SDK level as target sdk. solved Android SDK minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion

[Solved] Android Countdown timer with double speed

You should actually try doing it yourself first, but: new CountDownTimer(5000, 500) { public void onTick(long millisUntilFinished) { timerText.setText(“Half-seconds remaining: ” + millisUntilFinished / 500); } public void onFinish() { timerText.setText(“done!”); } }.start(); The CountDownTimer has two parameters in its constructor, one for the length of the timer as a whole (called millisInFuture, the first … Read more