[Solved] How to parse JSON data into fragments?

you can parse like this: List<RidesData> ridesDatas; /* this is should be parcelable */ private void setupViewPager(ViewPager viewPager) { ViewPagerAdapter adapter = new ViewPagerAdapter(getSupportFragmentManager()); adapter.addFragment(FragmentAbout.newInstance(ridesDatas), “ABOUT”); adapter.addFragment(FragmentPointOfInterest.newInstance(ridesDatas),”POI”); viewPager.setAdapter(adapter); } and set constructure to each fragment like this: FragmentAbout.class public static FragmentAbout newInstance(List<RidesData> ridesDatas) { FragmentAbout fragmentAbout = new FragmentAbout(); Bundle arg = new Bundle(); arg.putParcelableArrayList(“data”, … Read more

[Solved] Register Broadcast receiver in Fragment PageViewer [closed]

No need to register fragment into manifest you can register receiver from fragment like this way private ScreenTimeOutReceiver mScreenTimeOutReceiver; mScreenTimeOutReceiver = new ScreenTimeOutReceiver(); registerReceiver(mScreenTimeOutReceiver, filter); 4 solved Register Broadcast receiver in Fragment PageViewer [closed]

[Solved] Cannot resolve method ‘findViewById(int)’ in Fragment of ViewPager [duplicate]

If you want to access any view, you have view object to access it. public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.frag1,container,false); btn = (Button)view.findViewById(R.id.button); return view; } solved Cannot resolve method ‘findViewById(int)’ in Fragment of ViewPager [duplicate]

[Solved] How is playstore app displaying multiples pages on view pager

It’s not a ViewPager, it is a RecyclerView which has Horizontal LinearLayout Manager and also have LinearSnapHelper You can use snapHelper like this: SnapHelper snapHelper; snapHelper = new LinearSnapHelper(); snapHelper.attachToRecyclerView(recyclerView); LayoutManager: LinearLayoutManager llm = new LinearLayoutManager(mContext, LinearLayoutManager.HORIZONTAL, false); recyclerView.setLayoutManager(llm); 0 solved How is playstore app displaying multiples pages on view pager

[Solved] setAdapter View Pager in a fragment

Convert mPager.setAdapter(new MyAdapter(Beranda.this, XMENArray)); to mPager.setAdapter(new MyAdapter(getActivity(), XMENArray)); See, the problem is that your class extends Fragment and you can not pass fragment class instance to the context. So you have to pass context of Activity in which you are using this fragment. 1 solved setAdapter View Pager in a fragment

[Solved] Implementing ViewPager for displaying the images that comes from server

First you need a custom viewpager adapter : Picasso is a great library to load images from. I will give you a link in case you need further help understanding it : http://square.github.io/picasso/ public class ViewPagerAdapter extends PagerAdapter { Context c; private List<String> _imagePaths; private LayoutInflater inflater; public ViewPagerAdapter(Context c, List<String> imagePaths) { this._imagePaths = … Read more