[Solved] Unable to update a record in sqlite database

1. In your create table String,

String newTableQueryString =    
            "create table " +
            TABLE_NAME +
            " (" +
        TABLE_ROW_ID + " integer primary key autoincrement not null, " +
            TABLE_ROW_ONE + " text, " +
            TABLE_ROW_TWO + " text, " +
            TABLE_ROW_THREE + " text, " +
            TABLE_ROW_FOUR + " text" +

The ROW_ID is an integer, so in your function updateRow(), the data type for parameter of rowID should be integer, which is passed in the “where” clause. So should change
-> public void updateRow(long rowID, String rowStringOne,...

2. To identify the row you have added, you need to have a primary key which you will be able to identify on the basis of the entry.

Auto increment integer is good for ensuring that the database will have a new row each time,
but the primary key you need should be something you will know to differentiate entries.

Can try a derived key which would be another column in your db, to insert the same with adding rows would be like:

String customPrimaryKey="UserName.getText().toString()+FirstName.getText().toString()+txtPassword.getText().toString()";
// add one more value for a particular entry-a primary key for You to identify that row

So you have a way to identify which row to update then, and pass the same in the updateRow() parameters for the where clause


solved Unable to update a record in sqlite database