[Solved] Split a string into parts

I assume that your expected output is bye see you.If I understood correctly then following methods can be used to get the desired output:

In this string splits into an array(splits()) with delimiter " " and find index of bye (j)and you(k) in the array then using a for loop to get strings in the array between bye and you.

Function GETSTRINGBETWEEN(ByVal start As String, ByVal parent As String, ByVal [end] As String)
        Dim output As String = ""
        Dim splits() As String = parent.Split(" ")
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim j As Integer = Array.IndexOf(splits, start)
        Dim k As Integer = Array.IndexOf(splits, [end])
        For i = j To k
            If output = String.Empty Then
                output = splits(i)
                output = output & " " & splits(i)
            End If
        Return output
    End Function


Dim val As String
val = GETSTRINGBETWEEN("bye", "hello bye see you", "you")
'val="bye see you"

Function GET_STRING_BETWEEN(ByVal start As String, ByVal parent As String, ByVal [end] As String)
        Dim output As String
        output = parent.Substring(parent.IndexOf(start) _
                                                , (parent.IndexOf([end]) _
                                                   - parent.IndexOf(start)) _
                                                   ).Replace(start, "").Replace([end], "")
        output = start & output & [end]
        Return output
    End Function


Dim val As String
val = GET_STRING_BETWEEN("bye", "hello bye see you", "you")
'val="bye see you"


solved Split a string into parts