[Solved] Rails, Heroku – configuring 123-reg domain for heroku

The first issue is that you have conflicting CNAME entries. Start by removing all CNAME entries where the hostname is “www”.

Then create one new CNAME entry. The hostname field should be “www” and the Destination CNAME should be your Heroku app hostname “rainbow-mutiny-636.herokuapp.com”.

Now go to your Rails app directory and run heroku domains in the terminal. If you’ve previously set it up properly you should see something like:

Domain Name                DNS Target
─────────────────────────  ─────────────────────
www.example.com            rainbow-mutiny-636.herokuapp.com

If you don’t see this entry, then create it by running:

heroku domains:add www.example.com

And that’s it. Once the DNS changes have propagated http://www.example.com should point to your Heroku app.


solved Rails, Heroku – configuring 123-reg domain for heroku