[Solved] Python function define: A message will prompt up if missing entering an argument


Python functions are a powerful tool for writing code that can be reused and adapted for different tasks. They allow you to define a set of instructions that can be executed with a single line of code. When defining a function, you can specify the number of arguments that must be passed to the function when it is called. If the number of arguments passed to the function does not match the number of arguments specified in the function definition, a message will prompt up to alert the user that an argument is missing. This message can help the user identify and fix the problem quickly.


def my_function(arg1, arg2):
if not arg1:
print(“Missing argument 1”)
if not arg2:
print(“Missing argument 2”)
# Do something with the arguments
print(arg1, arg2)


[Solved] Python function define: A message will prompt up if missing entering an argument