[Solved] Output of the following C++ Program [closed]

You can predict your output by following each step manually. In your case, each func call would work like the following chart:

  +--+ func(4)
  |      +
  |      +--+ func(3)
  |      |      +
  |      |      +--+ func(2)
  |      |      |      +
  |      |      |      +--+ func(1) = 3
  |      |      |      |
  |      |      |      +--+ func(0) = 2
  |      |      |
  |      |      +--+ func(1)        = 3
  |      |
  |      +--+ func(2)
  |             +
  |             +--+ func(1)        = 3
  |             |
  |             +--+ func(0)        = 2
  +--+ func(3)
         +--+ func(2)
         |      +
         |      +--+ func(1)        = 3
         |      |
         |      +--+ func(0)        = 2
         +--+ func(1)               = 3

solved Output of the following C++ Program [closed]