[Solved] Need Help,There’s no error but can’t go to another form for this multi user form code(c#) [closed]

The Error is because you haven’t open the connection before using it. First open the connection with the line “myCon.Open();” before using it in SqlDataAdapter and then use the ‘=’ operator in the select query of the where clause. you have missed that too in your query.

Your code should be

private void trydb() {
       SqlDataAdapter MyDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter("select * from Logindata where username="" +Usertext.Text+ "" and password ='" +Passtext.Text+"' ;", myCon);
        DataTable logicaldb = new DataTable();
        //rest of your code here
      //exception code here


solved Need Help,There’s no error but can’t go to another form for this multi user form code(c#) [closed]