[Solved] How to search string with all possible combination in java?

You do not need a regex for this, because a greedy algorithm will do.

You can match a string against a pattern in O(n+p), where n is the length of string and p is the length of pattern, by following a very simple strategy: for each character of the pattern, look for a matching character in the string starting at the current index. If you find a match, advance the index past it, and look for the next character from the pattern. If the pattern gets exhausted before end of string, you have a match; otherwise, you do not have a match.

public static boolean match(String s, String p) {
    String us = s.toUpperCase();
    int i = 0;
    for (char c : p.toUpperCase().toCharArray()) {
        int next = us.indexOf(c, i);
        if (next < 0) {
            return false;
        i = next+1;
    return true;


solved How to search string with all possible combination in java?