[Solved] How to quickly transform from RGB24 to BGRA on iOS?

Now I found the fastest solution is assembly. Just like this:

__asm__ volatile(
                 "0:                \n"
                 "# load 3 64-bit regs with interleave: \n"
                 "vld3.8      {d0,d1,d2}, [%0]!   \n"
                 "# swap d0 and d2 - R and B\n"
                 "vswp d0, d2   \n"
                 "# store 4 64-bit regs: \n"
                 "vst4.8      {d0,d1,d2,d3}, [%2]!      \n"
                 "subs        %1, %1, #1       \n"
                 "bne         0b            \n"
                 : "r"(img), "r"(numPixels24), "+r"(bgraData)
                 : "r6", "r7","r8"

solved How to quickly transform from RGB24 to BGRA on iOS?