[Solved] How do I read a line of 12 numbers from a file and store it into an array?

This should fix your problem. It will parse all rows and place each line in a string stream. It then parses the string stream and streams the elements into doubles. It should work for any combination of rows and column elements.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;
int main(){

// Open file
ifstream fileStream;

// Initialize variables
string lineString;
int counter=0;
vector<vector<double> > myData; // Matrix which holds all data
vector<double> myLine; // Temporary vector to hold each row
double currentNumber;

// Read file
    getline(fileStream,lineString); // Stream this line in a string
    if (lineString!=""){ // If empty, exit            
        cout<<"Line #"<<counter<<" : "; // Print
        cout<<lineString<<endl;         // output            
        stringstream myS_stream(lineString);
        while(myS_stream>>currentNumber){ // Important as a simple break condition will read the last element twice
            cout<<"\tFound double number in string stream : "<< currentNumber<<endl;
fileStream.close(); // Close file

// Print your data
cout<<"\nMy data is : "<<endl;
for (auto row : myData){
    for (auto element : row){
        cout<<" "<<element;

// Convert to the format you want, but I suggest using std::vector
// if you can help it
double *monthRain = &myData.at(0)[0];

return 0;


solved How do I read a line of 12 numbers from a file and store it into an array?