[Solved] How do I keep my rails integer from being converted to binary?

This is not binary, this is octal.

In Ruby, any number starting with 0 will be treated as an octal number. You should check the Ruby number literals to learn more about this, here’s a quote:

You can use a special prefix to write numbers in decimal, hexadecimal, octal or binary formats. For decimal numbers use a prefix of 0d, for hexadecimal numbers use a prefix of 0x, for octal numbers use a prefix of 0 or 0o, for binary numbers use a prefix of 0b. The alphabetic component of the number is not case-sensitive.

For your case, you should not store zipcodes as numbers. Not only in the database, but even as variables don’t treat them as numeric values. Instead, store and treat them as strings.

solved How do I keep my rails integer from being converted to binary?