[Solved] Incorrect behavior of a pointer in function in C

There are numerous errors in the program although it compiled without any warnings. Chiefly the pointer types for your array, and the memory allocated. Secondly the function does not know how many words is allowed, and does not return how many were read – your method did not work at all (as in comments). Thirdly the string comparisons: you did not state the goals clearly, but in comment you want the “biggest string”. strcoll does not do that – it’s a lexical comparison, so I changed that section to find the longest string for the two sentences you enter. See comments, I made a large number of changes.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int returnArrayOfWords (char *str4Parsing, char *arrayParsed[], int maxtokens)  // added max
    char seps[] = " ,\t\n"; // separators
    char *token1 = NULL;
    char *next_token1 = NULL;
    int i = 0;

    // Establish string and get the first token:
    token1 = strtok_s( str4Parsing, seps, &next_token1);

    // While there are tokens in "str4Parsing" 
    while (token1 != NULL)
        if(i >= maxtokens)
            return i;                                   // ignore the rest
        arrayParsed[i] = token1;
        printf( " %s\n", token1 );
        token1 = strtok_s( NULL, seps, &next_token1);
    return i;

int main (void)                                         // correct signature
    int i, j, n = 80; /*max number of words in string*/
    char arrS1[80], arrS2[80];
    //const char *w1, *w2; /*pointers*/                 // deleted
    char **ptrArray1, **ptrArray2;                      // changed type
    int currLength1 = 0, currLength2 = 0 ;
    int sizeArr1 = 0, sizeArr2 = 0;
    int maxLength = 0;
    char *wordMaxLength;                                // changed to pointer

    ptrArray1 = malloc(n * sizeof (char*));             // allocate mem for pointer array
    if (ptrArray1 == NULL)
        return 1;
    ptrArray2 = malloc(n * sizeof (char*));             // allocate mem for pointer array
    if (ptrArray2 == NULL)
        return 1;

    printf("Type your first string: "); 
    fgets(arrS1, 80, stdin);
    sizeArr1 = returnArrayOfWords(arrS1, ptrArray1, n); // indirection error, added max words, get actual num

    printf("Type your second string: ");
    fgets(arrS2, 80, stdin);
    sizeArr2 = returnArrayOfWords(arrS2, ptrArray2, n); // indirection error, added max words, get actual num

    for (i = 0; i < sizeArr1; i++)                      // this section rewritten
        // to find the largest word in the array
        currLength1 = strlen(ptrArray1[i]);
        if(currLength1 > maxLength) 
            maxLength = currLength1;
            wordMaxLength = ptrArray1[i];               // changed definition to pointer

    for (j = 0; j < sizeArr2; j++)
        // to find the largest word in the array
        currLength2 = strlen(ptrArray2[j]);
        if(currLength2 > maxLength) 
            maxLength = currLength2;
            wordMaxLength = ptrArray2[j];               // changed definition to pointer

    printf("The largest word is: %s", wordMaxLength);

    free(ptrArray1);                                    // added
    return 0;

Program session:

Type your first string: one two three four
Type your second string: apple banana pear
The largest word is: banana


solved Incorrect behavior of a pointer in function in C