[Solved] How can I another filter for score which will show the results matching the range?

Add one more else if to your code:

else if (key === "score") {
      const low = filters[key] === "20" && user["score"] <= filters[key];
      const medium =
        filters[key] === "50" && user["score"] < 50 && user["score"] >= 21;
      const high =
        filters[key] === "70" && user["score"] < 70 && user["score"] >= 51;
      const veryHigh = filters[key] === "71" && user["score"] >= 71;
      if (low || medium || high || veryHigh) {
        return user;

Also, send values from HTML:

<option value="71">Very High</option>
      <option value="70">High</option>
      <option value="50">Medium</option>
      <option value="20">Low</option>

Also, please mark as right, if your problems gets solved.

solved How can I another filter for score which will show the results matching the range?